Implementation and Evaluation of Innovative Algorithms for Memory Testing in Integrated Circuits H/F


In this context, LFIM, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotics, and Microelectronics of Montpellier (LIRMM), has explored the testability of memories integrated into NMC systems, leveraging the existing computing capabilities in such architectures. As a result of the collaboration between these institutions, an initial theoretical study was conducted on the integration of MBIST algorithms into an NMC architecture. In the next months, the team aims to implement and evaluate the proposed solution from the theoretical study on its C-SRAM module. The intern’s primary responsibilities will include: - Technology watch and state-of-the-art analysis of MBIST testing solutions and NMC architectures in the existing literature. - Developing a microcontroller test program to implement an MBIST algorithm using the existing C-SRAM, which is not yet optimized for this application (MBIST software). - Modifying the RTL code of the C-SRAM functional design to implement the solution proposed in the theoretical study (MBIST hardware). - Evaluating the hardware and software MBIST implementations and comparing them with existing solutions in the literature. To successfully complete this mission, the intern will have access to cutting-edge simulation, modeling, and exploration tools at CEA. Additionally, the intern will join a dynamic team at the heart of France's scientific ecosystem, fostering collaborations with key industrial and academic stakeholders in the field.

The LIST institute is part the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) Technology Research Division. CEA-LIST brings together nearly 1,000 scientists, engineers and technicians, expert in smart digital systems. We are committed to developing high-added-value innovations that respond to the major challenges facing our economy and society. This internship will take place in the Grenoble site of the CEA-List institute, in a research team focused on integrated circuits design for a variety of applications (e.g., cybersecurity, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, emerging technologies).

A final-year student pursuing an engineering diploma or a master’s degree in microelectronics, electronics, or embedded systems. The ideal candidate should exhibit proficiency in professional English communication, a strong interest in applied research, teamwork abilities, and the ability to work autonomously. Preferred experience and/or skills: - Knowledge of processor architectures. - Familiarity with the design flow of digital circuits and logical simulation software.


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