Study of new photodiode architecture for IR imagers

  • Photonics, Imaging and displays,
  • phD
  • CEA-Leti
  • Grenoble
  • Level 7
  • 2024-09-01

CEA-LETI play a leading role in the development of the HgCdTe material, which now performs to such an extent that it is on board the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), enabling the observation and study of deep space with a precision unrivalled to date. However, we believe that it is still possible to take an important step forward in terms of detection performance. We propose to work on a new photodiode architecture that could further reduce the dark current (and therefore reduce noise and gain sensitivity at low photon flux). Your role in this thesis will be to contribute to the development of the ultimate photodiode for ultra-high-performance IR detection, and to characterize and simulate the HgCdTe photodiodes manufactured on our technology platform. This experimental and theoretical work will enable us to propose a physical model of objects manufactured at CEA-Leti, and to determine their sensitivity to technological parameters. You have a Master's degree in optoelectronics or semiconductor materials physics, and a passion for applied research. The main technical skills required are: physics of semiconductor components, optoelectronics, data processing, numerical simulations, an interest in experimental work to carry out characterizations, and theoretical work to carry out numerical simulations.

Master optroélectronique, physique des semiconducteurs

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