Protection by self-decontaminating coatings against biocontamination of surfaces


The proposed PROBIO-ES project falls within the scope of the priority defense theme « biologie, santé, NRBC », and in particular the sub-themes of protection and decontamination. Its aim is to develop self-decontaminating surfaces for a number of terrestrial and space applications. The project has been shortlisted by CNES for the award of a 1/2 thesis grant. In the context of manned spaceflights to distant destinations such as low Earth orbit, the Moon, and potentially Mars, biological contamination poses a significant threat to the health of the crew and the preservation of space equipment. The microflora carried by the crew in enclosed habitats is an unavoidable concern, heightened by prolonged periods of isolation and dependence on closed-loop life support systems. Beyond risks to astronaut health, biocontamination can damage critical equipment aboard spacecraft. Microorganisms exposed to the space environment can develop resistance and mutate, transforming benign microbes into pathogens. To mitigate these risks, effective measures such as filtration systems and self-decontaminating surfaces limiting bacterial proliferation must be implemented. The MATISS experiment (2016-2024) explored the use of hydrophobic coatings to reduce biocontamination aboard the ISS, but improvements are needed. This collaborative thesis between SyMMES and CEA-Leti in Grenoble aims to develop durable antimicrobial layers without harmful substances, using a new method of deposition through cold atmospheric plasma, suitable for large surfaces. The PROBIO-ES project is therefore fully in line with the « biologie, santé, NRBC » thematic priorities of AID 2024 call for projects.

Masterapos;s degree in chemistry/biochemistry or materials chemistry with knowledge of and interest in microbiology

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