HPC simulation of electrode mechanical properties in Li-ion batteries


Li-ion batteries are complex multi-physics systems in which chemical reactions, transport phenomena, and mechanical deformation are strongly coupled. The battery electrodes are composed of micrometric granular materials (the microstructure) where the lithium can insert and disinsert, a process that creates internal mechanical stress and strain in the materials and subsequent volumic changes. While it is currently observed that the coupling between electrochemical reactions and mechanical deformation at the microstructure level strongly impacts the battery performances, lifespan and safety, the origin of this impact is poorly understood. The global objective of this position is to better understand the coupling between mechanical deformations of the microstructure and the local conditions of lithium transport in the electrode. The study should lead to practical applications such as recommendation on the electrode design to increase life capability of Li-ion batteries.

PHD in physics or chemistry with experience in numerical simulation

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