
Stocastic integrated power supplies based on emerging components

  • Cyber security : hardware and sofware,
  • Département Composants Silicium (LETI)
  • Laboratoire des circuits intégrés pour la Gestion de l'Energie, les Capteurs et Actionneurs
  • 01-10-2023
  • Grenoble
  • SL-DRT-24-0891
  • MOURSY Yasser (

Context: The widespread utilization of connected devices that process sensitive information necessitates the creation of new secure systems. The prevalent attack, referred to as power side-channel, involves the retrieval of encryption key information by analyzing the power consumption of the system. Integrating the system with its power supply management blocks can conceal the consumption of sensitive blocks, especially by utilizing various techniques to introduce randomized variations during power transfer. The CEA has wide experience in the design and testing of secure integrated circuits and it is exploring a new approach to DC-DC conversion that uses emerging devices available at CEA-Léti. The work of the PhD researcher will be the following: - Specification of integrated power supplies using switched-capacitor architecture. - Study the circuit using emerging components and evaluate the improvement of its robustness against side channel attacks. - Design of the integrated power supply in silicon technology. - Performance and security characterization of the designed blocks and security primitives in their whole. The division of labor is 10% advanced study, 20% system architecture, 50% circuit design, 20% experimental measurement.


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