Internship - MoS2 FET selector for Ferroelectric memory


Join CEA-LETI for a very exciting experience working on both innovative materials (Transition Metal Dichalcogenide) and promising ferroelectric memory devices (FeRAM). This internship offers the chance to work on a groundbreaking project, with potential to continue into a thesis. If you're curious, innovative, and eager for a challenge, you’re welcome to join us! The emergence of artificial intelligence, machine learning and Internet of things has driven the need for more storage memories with high operation speed and non-volatile characteristics. Today, non-volatile ferroelectric memory technology, consisting of a Metal/Ferroelectric/Metal capacitor (FeCAP) connected to the drain of a select transistor, is very promising due to its high endurance, low writing voltage and good retention. The future of 1T1C ferroelectric memory requires innovation through ultra-low leakage selector devices. Here, we propose to investigate MoS2 transistors, as selector. This innovative 2D material received considerable interest over the last few years, for integrated memory devices. In this work, we propose to exploit their atomic thickness, wide band-gap, large On/Off ratio, to open the path towards ever denser and low-power 1T1C memory array, integrated in the back-end-of-line metallization layers. Throughout this internship, you will acquire a wide range of knowledge, covering microelectronic processes, MOSFET transistor fabrication and characterization, while meeting the requirements of integrating this MoS2- based selector into the BEOL. You will collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams to develop an in-depth understanding of 2D materials and ferroelectric memory devices as well as a wide range of potential applications. You will also be part of a memory device laboratory, working alongside a team of several permanent researchers (material, integration, electrical characterization and simulation) to support you in this research project. Join us on our internship ! CEA Tech Corporate from CEA Tech on Vimeo. As an intern at CEA, you'll have the opportunity to work in a world-renowned world-renowned research environment. Our teams are made up of passionate and dedicated experts, offering an environment conducive to learning and collaboration. You'll have access to state-of-the-art equipment and first-rate resources to carry out your assignments.

The Silicon Components Department (DCOS) is one of CEA-Leti's 5 departments, and its mission is to conduct research in the field of electronic components at micro- and nanometric scales. These activities include the development of innovative components and circuits in the fields of advanced CMOS and non-volatile memories, implemented in breakthrough computing architectures (quantum computing, neuromorphic architectures and embedded Artificial Intelligence), power applications, technologies for Radio Frequency (RF) applications, micro- and Nano-systems (sensors and actuators) and energy storage. This work is enriched by the development of advanced substrates, specific to the various application fields targeted, by extensive expertise in the 3D integration of the components developed, and by the resources needed to characterize the performance of the components developed. For these technological achievements, the DCOS relies on CEA-Leti's technology platform, enabling it to demonstrate the reality of its developments in a cleanroom environment close to industry standards, and thus facilitating the adoption of its developments by industrial partners.

Parcours en microélectronique et une passion pour la recherche technologique, vous êtes curieux, désireux d'apprendre et possédez de solides compétences pour travailler en équipe. Vous avez un vif intérêt pour le développement technologique combinant des matériaux innovants et des dispositifs émergents, en particulier dans le contexte des mémoires ferroélectriques pour l’intelligence artificielle économe en énergie Vous avez encore un doute ? Nous vous proposons : Une expérience à la pointe de l’innovation, comportant un fort potentiel de développement industriel, Des moyens expérimentaux exceptionnels et un encadrement de qualité, De réelles opportunités de carrière à l’issue de votre stage, Un poste au cœur de la métropole grenobloise, facilement accessible via la mobilité douce favorisée par le CEA, Une participation aux transports en commun à hauteur de 85%, Un équilibre vie privée – vie professionnelle reconnu, Un restaurant d'entreprise, Une politique diversité et inclusion. Rejoignez-nous, venez développer vos compétences et en acquérir de nouvelles ! Conformément aux engagements pris par le CEA en faveur de l'intégration des personnes handicapées, cet emploi est ouvert à toutes et à tous. Le CEA propose des aménagements et/ou des possibilités d'organisation pour l’inclusion des travailleurs handicapés.

Bac+5 - Master 2

French Fluent,English Fluent

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