New machine learning methods applied to side-channel attacks

  • Cyber security : hardware and sofware,
  • phD
  • Grenoble
  • Level 7
  • 2025-10-01

Products secured by embedded cryptographic mechanisms may be vulnerable to side-channel attacks. Such attacks are based on the observation of some physique quantities measured during the device activity, whose variation may provoke information leakage and lead to a security flaw. Today, such attacks are improved, even in presence of specific countermeasures, by deep learning based methods. The goal of this thesis is go get familiarity with semi-supervised and self-supervised Learning state-of-the-art and adapt promising methods to the context of the side-channel attacks, in order to improve performances of the attacks in very complex scenarios. A particular attention will be given to attacks against secure implementations of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.

Formation en Mathématiques-Informatiques comprenant des cours en Machine Learning


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