
Forum INSA Lyon: meet tomorrow's talents!


What materials for the technologies of the future? How to design them? How can they be characterized and integrated into innovative applications? These are the questions that drive our researchers on a daily basis. They were at the heart of discussions at INSA Lyon's Forum des métiers matériaux on February 13.

Our ambassadors - Diane Rebiscoul, Anne-Sophie Royet, Florent Rochette and Jean-Marie Gatt - shared their expertise with curious and committed students. Their objective? To present the scientific and industrial challenges facing the CEA. But also to show how materials skills can be put to good use in our projects.

Internships, work-study programs, theses... The forum also provided an opportunity to discuss the opportunities available to students. Between 15% and 30% of INSA Lyon engineers go on to complete a thesis. This exchange of ideas was a great opportunity to bring together academic ambitions and technological innovations.

An enriching experience that reinforces our collaboration with INSA Lyon.

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