Engineer in Software for Industry of the Future


The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, is the current transformation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices with the latest smart and digital technologies. Interoperability is the basis of Industry 4.0 and guarantees open and pluralistic markets. It enables systems, devices, and applications to communicate with one another and work together seamlessly. Open standards are essential components for interoperability, and the Asset Administration Shell (AAS)[1] is a promising standard for ensuring interoperability and implementing the digital twin in the manufacturing domain. The AAS is being further developed in application-oriented research projects (German and French national projects, as well as European projects), tested in ten testbeds, and implemented in (at least) two pilot projects. *YOUR MISSION* You will investigate methods and develop modular, compositional, and interoperable software architectures and tools based on models and integrated with available standards (AAS, OPC-UA, MQTT, ROS2, Modbus) and software frameworks from the Industry 4.0 community, such as Basyx[2]. You will integrate the Papyrus4Manufacturing[3] team, will be involved in the modeling interface and code generation development. Together with senior members of the lab, you will get involved in French national projects, such as OTPaaS and Data4IndustryX[4]. The main goal is to set up and consolidate a vibrant ecosystem, tool chain, and community that will provide and integrate model-based design for Industry 4.0, digital twin implementation, and sovereign data exchange in the manufacturing domain. [1] [2] [3] [4]

The LSEA (Embedded and Autonomous Systems Design Laboratory) works on methods, design principles, and tools for the engineering of efficient and trustworthy software for embedded and autonomous systems. The LSEA is part of CEA, one of the best-ranked research institutions in the world , with an annual budget of €4.7 billion and about 16K staff members across France. The LSEA has recognized expertise in the field of model-based design of safety-critical systems and has initiated upstream work for the mastery of advanced technologies of safe self-adaptation and integration of trustworthy autonomy in critical systems. The laboratory plays an important role in standardization groups like AUTOSAR in the automotive domain as well as in the OMG (Object Management Group) standardization body responsible for the UML, SysML, and MARTE standards and contributes to the Eclipse open-source model-based development platform Papyrus . Lab members are strongly involved in various industrial projects as well as collaborative French and European research projects for the development of model-based approaches for the design of autonomous real-time systems for robotics, automotive, railway, aerospace, and smart energy systems.

COMPÉTENCES REQUISES : Titulaires d'un master ou d'un diplôme d'ingénieur en informatique, génie logiciel ou automatisation industrielle Solides compétences en programmation (Java, Python) Connaissance de certains outils DevOps comme Docker, Kubernetes Une expérience des méthodes d'ingénierie pilotée par les modèles est souhaitable Une expérience pratique des outils d'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles basés sur Eclipse est un plus    VOUS AVEZ ENCORE UN DOUTE ? Les à-côtés de votre mission principale peuvent nous intéresser :  Un écosystème de recherche à la pointe, unique en son genre et dédié à des thématiques à fort enjeu sociétal, qui donne du sens à votre mission Des formations pour renforcer vos compétences, en acquérir de nouvelles et booster votre mission Un équilibre vie privée / vie professionnelle reconnu par nos collaborateurs La possibilité de télétravailler pour équilibrer les temps de transport et contribuer à votre qualité de vie Un CE riche en avantages et en activités sociales, culturelles et sportives Un lieu de travail au cœur d’un plateau dynamique, entouré d’écoles et d’entreprises de la tech Cela vous tente ? Postulez, ce poste est fait pour vous !   Conformément aux engagements pris par le CEA en faveur de l'intégration des personnes en situation de handicap, cet emploi est ouvert à toutes et à tous #CEA-List #NumericalSimulation #Industry4.0


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