Simulation of thermal transport at sub-Kelvin


Thermal management in quantum computers is an urgent and crucial task. As the number of qubits rapidly scales, more electric circuits are placed close to qubits to operate them. Joule-heating of these circuits could significantly warm the qubit device, degrading its fidelity. With intensive activity in quantum computing at Grenoble, we (CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France) are looking for an enthusiastic post-doc researcher to study thermal transport at cryogenic temperature (sub-Kelvin). The post-doc will apply the finite-element non-equilibrium Green’s function [1], developed in the group of Natalio Mingo at CEA-Grenoble, to simulate phonon transport in various designed structures. The simulation result promotes comparison with on-going experiments and constructive discussions in order to optimize the thermal management. [1] C. A. Polanco, A. van Roekeghem, B. Brisuda, L. Saminadayar, O. Bourgeois, and N. Mingo, Science Advances 9, 7439 (2023).

Ph.D in physics (mandatory), topic on thermal transport is preferable

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