
Contribution to the metrological traceability of emerging alpha-emitting radiopharmaceuticals in the framework of the european AlphaMet project (Metrology for Emerging Targeted Alpha Therapies)

The Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) at CEA/Saclay is the laboratory responsible for the french references in the field of ionizing radiation. The LNHB is involved in the european EPM AlphaMet (Metrology for Emerging Targeted Alpha Therapies) submitted under the Metrology support for Health call (2022) to provide metrological support for clinical and preclinical studies; it began in September 2023 for a total duration of three years. The project comprises four Work Packages (WP) targeting different issues, with WP1 in particular dedicated to activity metrology and nuclear data measurements for imaging and dosimetry. This project aims at to improve the metrological traceability of emerging alpha-emitting radiopharmaceuticals such as 211At, 212Pb/212Bi, 225Ac. The candidate will participate in the various tasks defined as part of the European AlphaMet project in which the LNHB is involved. Radiation-matter simulations will be carried out to study the response of the laboratory's ionisation chambers in various situations concerning: (i) the evolution of the response during the in-growth of the ?-emitting progeny of 225Ac, (ii) the quantification of the influence of the 210At impurity in the case of the measurement of 211At, and (iii) the search for a long-lived radionuclide surrogate of 212Pb for the quality control of dose calibrators. The candidate will also be involved in setting up a new device aimed at improving the linearity of the measurement of half-life with an ionization chamber. During the post-doctoral stay at LNHB, the candidate will interact with the various partners in the AlphaMet project (activity metrology laboratories, hospitals, clinical study centres). The initial duration of the post-doctorate is 12 months (renewable) at the Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel (CEA/Saclay). It is hoped to start in the first half of 2024.

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