
Antenna Array In-Situ Calibration through Source Reconstruction

Take the opportunity to develop a motivating career path in a multidisciplinary scientific community at the cutting edge of technological research at CEA Grenoble, as part of an internationally renowned R&D team in the field of antennas. PhD Subject: In many advanced applications (radar, direction finding, electromagnetic -EM- context monitoring), precise knowledge of antenna radiation rules the accuracy of processing (angular direction, polarization of received signals). The integration of miniature antennas on objects or vehicles of a few wavelengths largely impacts their radiation pattern. Particularly in low-frequency bands, antenna calibration is not sufficient to achieve the best levels of performance, let alone robustness over time. The challenge of the proposed PhD is to be able to update the antenna array far-field calibration table in situ (i.e., in near-real time). To do this, the first part on EM analysis will be based on an exhaustive analysis of the equivalent modes/sources induced on the carrier structure via EM simulations, with the aim of extracting the modes present and their radiation. A second part dealing more with RF instrumentation will size and develop an array of spatial sampling probes installed on the structure of the carrier, which will measure the weightings of these modes in situ. Finally, the last part will hybridize the two previous parts in order to reconstruct the far-field radiation by weighting the simulated modes by the measured points. During the final year, an experimental implementation will be used to validate the methodology and to analyze its performance. This subject (EM simulation of antennas, EM analyses, RF measurements) will be supervised by an experienced team relying on exceptional tools and instruments ( Applicant Profile: Engineer School or Master with major on Antenna, Electromagnetism, RF instrumentation Laboratory: CEA Grenoble, heart of the French Alps ( The CEA is a major research organization working in the best interests of the French State, its economy and citizens. Thanks to its strong roots in fundamental research, it is able to provide tangible solutions to meet their needs in four key fields: Low-carbon energy (nuclear and renewable), Digital technology, Technology for medicine of the future, Defense and national security. CEA Tech leverages a unique innovation-driven culture and unrivalled expertise to develop and disseminate new technologies for industry, effectively bridging the gap between the worlds of research and business.


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