PhD offers

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  • Cyber security : hardware and sofware
  • Energy efficiency for smart buildings, electrical mobility and industrial processes
  • Solar energy for energy transition
  • Green & decarbonated energy including bioprocesses and waste recycling
  • Additive manufacturing, new routes for saving materials
  • Support functions
  • Advanced hydrogen and fuel-cells solutions for energy transition
  • Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
  • Artificial Intelligence & data intelligence
  • New computing paradigms, including quantum
  • Emerging materials and processes for nanotechnologies and microelectronics
  • Advanced nano characterization
  • Photonics, Imaging and displays
  • Communication networks, IOT, radiofrequencies and antennas
  • Smart Energy grids
  • Numerical simulation & modelling
  • Stockage d'énergie électrochimique y compris les batteries pour la transition énergétique
  • Cyber physical systems - sensors and actuators
  • Health and environment technologies, medical devices
  • Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing

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  • CEA Tech en Région

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  • Grenoble
  • Saclay
Number of results : 2
  • Smart Energy grids Environmental monitoring of pollutant dispersion: optimal placement of mobile sensors

    Do you feel concerned by environmental pollution issues? This research will enable optimal deployment of mobile sensors for monitoring air quality in urban environments. Complex urban geometries [1] and dynamic pollutant dispersion scenarios are the scientific challenges to be met in order to better estimate local air pollution, identify sources and anticipate exposure peaks. Our...

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  • Smart Energy grids Topology reconstruction of a ramified network by multisensor reflectometry

    Smart Grids aim at monitoring and controlling electric power networks. Many parameters have to be monitored such as production and consumption units, and the integrity of the structure of the interconnection netwotk itself. Smart grids aim at enhancing the quality of service while protecting people and infrastructures. In this area of research, most algorithms are...

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