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  • CEA Tech en Région

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  • Grenoble
  • Saclay
Number of results : 3
  • Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing Numerical Meta-modelization based study of the propagation of ultrasonic waves in piping system with corroded area

    The aim of the ANR project PYRAMID ( is to develop some technics of detection and quantification of the wall thinning due to flow accelerated corrosion in piping system. In the framework of this project involving French and Japanese laboratories, CEA LIST develops new numerical tools based on finite elements dedicated to the modelling of...

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  • Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing High precision robotic manipulation with reinforcement learning and Sim2Real

    High precision robotic assembly that handles high product variability is a key part of an agile and a flexible manufacturing automation system. To date however, most of the existing systems are difficult to scale with product variability since they need precise models of the environment dynamics in order to be efficient. This information is not...

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  • Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing Elaboration of a common robot/human action space

    This post-doc aims at establishing by artificial intelligence methods (e.g. signal processing on graphs), the mapping of an industrial task performed by a human operator, and acquired by visual sensors, in order to be interpretable and exploitable by a robot. It is part of a project aiming at designing a demonstrator in which a robot...

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