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  • Cyber security : hardware and sofware
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  • Green & decarbonated energy including bioprocesses and waste recycling
  • Additive manufacturing, new routes for saving materials
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  • Advanced hydrogen and fuel-cells solutions for energy transition
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  • Stockage d'énergie électrochimique y compris les batteries pour la transition énergétique
  • Cyber physical systems - sensors and actuators
  • Health and environment technologies, medical devices
  • Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing

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  • CEA Tech en Région

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  • Grenoble
  • Saclay
Number of results : 4
  • Smart Energy grids Formalization of the area of responsibility of the actors of the electricity market

    The CEA is currently developing a simulation tool which models the energy exchanges between the actors of the electricity market but which models, in addition, the exchanges of information between those actors. The first results of this work show that, for some new energy exchange schemes, ’indirect’ interactions between actors may appear and may cause...

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  • Smart Energy grids Modeling of faults on low voltage DC networks in buildings, towards fault detection algorithms

    The development of the use of renewable energies and energy storage as well as the progress made by power electronic components are gradually leading to a rethinking of the architectures of low voltage electrical distribution networks in buildings. These developments will allow the development of direct current or mixed alternating-direct current networks supplied by static...

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  • Smart Energy grids Study of the specific features of highly distributed architectures for decision and control requirements

    Our electricity infrastructure has undergone and will continue to undergo profound changes in the coming decades. The rapid growth in the share of renewables in electricity generation requires solutions to secure energy systems, especially with regard to the variability, stability and balancing aspects of the electricity system and the protection of the grid infrastructure itself....

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  • Smart Energy grids Attack detection in the electrical grid distributed control

    To enable the emergence of flexible and resilient energy networks, we need to find solutions to the challenges facing these networks, in particular digitization and the protection of data flows that this will entail, and cybersecurity issues. In the Tasting project, and in collaboration with RTE, the French electricity transmission network operator, your role will...

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