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Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
Environmental dosimetry: study, design and implementation of a calibration facility for low dose equivalent rates
In order to meet the calibration needs of the European radioactivity monitoring network, the Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel, part of CEA List, is installing a calibration facility for low dose equivalent rates, below 1 µSv/h. The work includes a study of the performance of the existing radiation beams and the design, installation and dosimetric characterization...
Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
Optimization of a metrological approach to radionuclide identification based on spectral unmixing
The Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) at CEA/Saclay is the laboratory responsible for French references in the field of ionizing radiations. For several years now, it has been involved in the development of an automatic analysis tool for low-statistics gamma spectra, based on the spectral unmixing technique. This approach makes it possible to respond to...
Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
Calibration of the high dose rate flash therapy beam monitor of the IRAMIS facility
Ultra-flash beams are pulsed beams of high-energy electrons (over a hundred MeV) with pulse durations in the femto-second range. The IRAMIS facility (CEA Saclay) uses laser acceleration to produce this type of beam, with a view to their application in radiotherapy. The LNHB is in charge of establishing dosimetric traceability for the IRAMIS facility, and...
Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
Contribution to the metrological traceability of emerging alpha-emitting radiopharmaceuticals in the framework of the european AlphaMet project (Metrology for Emerging Targeted Alpha Therapies)
The Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) at CEA/Saclay is the laboratory responsible for the french references in the field of ionizing radiation. The LNHB is involved in the european EPM AlphaMet (Metrology for Emerging Targeted Alpha Therapies) submitted under the Metrology support for Health call (2022) to provide metrological support for clinical and preclinical studies;...
Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
Eco-innovation of insulating materials by AI, for the design of a future cable that is long-lasting, resilient, bio-sourced and recyclable.
This topic is part of a larger upcoming project for the AI-powered creation of a new electrical cable for future nuclear power plants. The goal is to design cables with a much longer lifetime than existing cables in an eco-innovative approach. The focus is on the cable insulation because it is the most critical component...