According to the World Health Organization, “A medical device is an article, instrument, apparatus or machine that is used in the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of illness or disease, or for detecting, measuring, restoring, correcting or modifying the structure or function of the body for some health purpose.
Medical device research is driven by a global health context characterized not only by medical needs, but also by pressing societal issues like exploding demographics, environmental degradation, food and water quality, and an aging population.
Medical devices are emerging as crucial to ensuring quality of life for all. Medical device research is fueled by a broad range of technological innovations spanning chemistry, materials, biology, microfluidics, electronics, optics, photonics, measurement, data processing, and artificial intelligence–technologies that must be deployed in careful alignment with the needs of doctors and patients, caregiver practices, and the regulatory environment.
With expertise in the many fields mentioned above, a cross-disciplinary culture, and a proven capacity to manage research and development from technological concept through to clinical demonstrator system, CEA is a major center for medical device research.
Some of the technologies developed at CEA also have broader health applications in environmental, food, and water quality monitoring.