Our mission

Générer des technologies pour un impact positif
tant sur le plan industriel que sociétal


For over 30 years, the CEA's Technological Research Division (DRT) has been supporting French companies wishing to boost their competitiveness and contribute to sustainable development through technology.

Plateforme de Chimie verte et procédés pour l'environnement. Equipe recyclage
Personnel du CEA à Grenoble, manipulant des wafers de silicium dans les salles blanches du CEA-Leti


Fleurons de l’industrie nationale, PME fortement ancrées dans un tissu industriel local ou start-up… all can team up with DRT and benefit from its world-class technology platforms and extensive patent portfolio.

Strategic Autonomy

DRT's mission, as entrusted to it by the French Government: design disruptive technologies for French industry to ensure its strategic autonomy, create value and sustainable jobs. "

Equipe du CEA à Grenoble dans le Laboratoire de synthèse de matériaux inorganiques pour les batteries. Zone Traitement thermique et Calcination. Fours tubulaires et à moufles de calcination.
Portrait de Julie Galland

 "Faced with the major challenges facing the world - the economy, the environment, demographics, security - technological mastery is absolutely essential.

We want to increase our capacity to convert our technologies into beneficial products. Beneficial to business, beneficial to society, beneficial to the planet."


Director of Technology Research at CEA

Combining dreams and pragmatism

The pragmatic dreamers, a paradox that perfectly illustrates the ability of CEA teams to combine technological innovation with human sensitivity, offering an inspiring vision of what technology can bring to society and industry.

The pragmatic dreamers - Episod 1
Enzo - Research engineer in interactive simulation and virtual reality

The pragmatic dreamers – Episod 2
Camille – Research engineer in antenna and electromagnetism

The pragmatic dreamers – Episod 3
Claire – Research engineer in components for microelectronics

Our ambition

Generate technologies with a positive impact on both industry and society

Discover jobs with meaning:

  • Developing hardware and software solutions for a frugal and responsible digital world
  • Promoting the emergence of low-carbon energy and reducing resource consumption
  • Imagining the medicine of the future, more personalized, more humane and more effective
  • Guaranteeing France's technological and industrial sovereignty and strategic autonomy.


Envie to take a length of advance to pull party research today.

Don't wait to choose your challenge!

Rejoindre le CEA 

c’est contribuer à répondre aux enjeux que notre société doit relever :


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Energy and climate

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Defense innovation

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Our institutes in a nutshell



Leti develops innovative application solutions, notably in the fields of clean and safe energy, health and well-being, sustainable transport and information technology. Its multidisciplinary teams offer their expertise in a wide range of applications, from sensors and data processing to supercomputing.
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The CEA-List brings together nearly 1,000 research engineers and technicians in one of their fields of excellence: intelligent digital systems. Together, they work to develop high value-added innovations capable of meeting today's major socio-economic challenges.
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The CEA deploys these regional platforms, working in close collaboration with local players. Their purpose is to: disseminate key generic technologies developed at the CEA, to which access is desired by all industrial sectors, and develop local research activities specific to the regional industrial fabric, complementing existing facilities.
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Leti develops innovative application solutions, notably in the fields of clean and safe energy, health and well-being, sustainable transport and information technology. Its multidisciplinary teams offer their expertise in a wide range of applications, from sensors and data processing to supercomputing.
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Liten's activities focus on several key areas: solar energy, grid control, storage including batteries and hydrogen, with a view to energy efficiency and the circular economy. It addresses numerous applications in the energy production and distribution, transport, industrial processes and environmental markets.
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The CEA-List brings together nearly 1,000 research engineers and technicians in one of their fields of excellence: intelligent digital systems. Together, they work to develop high value-added innovations capable of meeting today's major socio-economic challenges.
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The CEA deploys these regional platforms, working in close collaboration with local players. Their purpose is to: disseminate key generic technologies developed at the CEA, to which access is desired by all industrial sectors, and develop local research activities specific to the regional industrial fabric, complementing existing facilities.
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