Advanced fully-depleted Silicon-on-insulator devices for Radio-Frequency applications


The PhD will be performed in the NEXTGEN project aimed at developing the next generation of Silicon-on-insulator devices. Our laboratory is driving the development of the RF active devices: this is a great opportunity to carry out fundamental research using state-of-the art processing equipment and characterization instruments while working in close collaboration with our industrial partners. you will expected to engage in tasks encompassing: - perform back-of the-envelope estimation of device properties and assess performace impact of technological choices - Perform and/or analyze TCAD simulations to gain insight in the RF device behaviour - data-mining on engineering measurements: grasp the relevant information and identify trends or correlations - perform extensive periods of time in the lab to conduct or participate in on-wafer RF characterization champaign. Based on you profile or expectations, above tasks may be dynamically rebalanced during the thesis.

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