Titanium silicide integration on future generation of low power transistor


In the ultra-competitive world of semi-conductor industry, CEA work on development of very low power transistor with high performances called FD-SOI for European industry. The PhD will take place inside CEA-LETI, worldwide known for its expertise on FD-SOI field. Inside LETI, you will be part of a 6 to 7 people team working on silicides. Your goal: develop tomorrow silicide and understand the best way to integration inside transistor fabrication scheme. Silicide, an alloy between a metal and the silicon, is a key element inside an electronic circuit because it is the link between passive part (connexion wires) and active part (transistor). In order to reduce consumption, it is essential to reduce the resistance to current flow of these alloys. To do this, you will need to study crystalline phases, resistivity and thermal stability of the silicides thanks to characterisation techniques such as X-ray diffraction, electronic microscopy or electrical measurement in collaboration with field expert. Experiment of X-ray diffraction on synchrotron such as ESRF at Grenoble could also be consider. You will also need to develop new integration scheme of those silicides in a complex fabrication flow (thermal treatment, ionic implantation, metal deposition …). Finally, you will have the opportunity to characterize electrically the influence of the silicide integration scheme on the transistor performances.

Bac+ 5 en physique des matériaux et des semiconducteurs

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