Water at the hydrophilic direct bonding interface


The microelectronics industry is making increasing use of hydrophilic direct bonding technology to produce innovative substrates and components. CEA LETIapos;s teams have been leaders in this field for over 20 years, offering scientific and technological studies on the subject. The key role of water at the bonding interface can be newly understood thanks to a characterization technique developed at CEA LETI. The aim of this thesis is to confirm or refute the physico-chemical mechanisms at play at the bonding interface, depending on the surface preparations and materials in contact. A large part of this work will be carried out on our cleanroom tools. The characterization of surface hydration using this original technique will be complemented by standard characterizations such as adhesion and adherence energy measurements, FTIR-MIR and SIMS analyses, and X-ray reflectivity at ESRF.

Bac+5 = M2 /Engineer in microelectronics, materials sciences

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