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Number of results : 9
  • Advanced nano characterization Electrical characteization and Reliability of NextGeN FDSOI MOSFETs

    Global demand on semiconductor solutions (device, circuit, system) has skyrocketed during the last few years, especially in reliation with COVID worldwide crisis. This industry has revealed its significance in the present world has well as its weaknesses. The European council decided to launch an ambisious program called 'Chip Act' to develop a solid semiconductor european...

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  • Advanced nano characterization MEMS chaotic motion for high sensitivity

    Improving the resolution of MEMS sensors always means increasing the cost of the component (surface area) or his electronics (complexity and power consumption). In view of the current challenges of energy sobriety, it is essential to explore new disruptive ways to reduce the impact of high-performance sensors. Chaos is a deterministic phenomenon exponentially sensitive to...

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  • Advanced nano characterization Multiscale overlay measurements

    In the microelectronics industry, the lithography step is monitored using image-based overlay (IBO) or diffraction-based overlay (DBO) measurement techniques. These techniques are relatively simple to implement, fast and their specifications meet the needs of mature technologies (CMOS20nm and earlier). To exploit these techniques, dedicated metrology structures need to be integrated into specific areas. These structures...

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  • Advanced nano characterization Understanding Dopant Incorporation Mechanisms in Heavily-Doped Semiconductors using combinations of high resolution (S)TEM techniques

    Context: There is a need for very highly-doped semiconductor specimens for the continued development of Si/Ge CMOS devices and for doping III-V materials where the ionisation energy leads to a low concentration of carriers. In order to provide these highly doped specimens, new growth and implantion methods are required. These need to be better understood...

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  • Advanced nano characterization Enabling patterning fidelity analysis over millimetric distances for curvilinear mask data-preparation : application to photonics devices.

    Integrated silicon photonics, which consists of using manufacturing processes from the microelectronics industry to produce photonic components, is considered a critical future technology for very high-speed communications and computing applications. The creation of silicon photonics devices requires the manipulation of fully curved designs (so-called non-Manhattan). This gives rise to numerous challenges during their manufacturing, and...

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  • Advanced nano characterization 3D chemical investigation of 10 nm FDSOI CMOS devices.

    The development of 10 nm FDSOI (Fully Depleted Silicon On Insulator) technology leads to new constraints on the architecture of transistors. The gate width (10 nm) requires a specific integration of the gate that controls the threshold voltage. The variability of the threshold voltage depends on the concentration, spatial distribution and chemical nature of dopants...

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  • Advanced nano characterization Performance and Reliability Evaluation of Ferroelectric Memories Based on Hafnium Oxide for Integration into Advanced Nodes.

    An explosion in global data production is observed today, largely attributed to the emergence of 5G and the Internet of Things. Faced with the challenges of managing vast amounts of data and to avoid a significant increase in global electricity consumption due to data storage, it is necessary to develop efficient, energy-efficient, and dense non-volatile...

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  • Advanced nano characterization Quantification of strategic binary compounds by hard X-ray photoemission (HAXPES) and combined surface analysis

    The main objective of the thesis is to provide reliable support to the processing of front-end materials for advanced FD-SOI technologies. To achieve this, methodologies for elemental quantification focused on the use of hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) will be developed and validated through a collaborative framework at multiple levels, both internal and industrial. These...

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  • Advanced nano characterization Line edge roughness extraction with a sub-nanometer resolution

    Within the European Chips Act, CEA-Leti is strongly committed to support the reduction of component dimensions to reach the future technological nodes (below 10 nm). To detect and account the line edge roughness becomes critical for such small dimensions since ‘the few Angstrom error’ becomes critical (several % of error) for sub-10nm devices. This PhD...

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