All our offers
Advanced hydrogen and fuel-cells solutions for energy transition
Production of green hydrogen and ammonia from offshore energy
This subject is dedicated to the high potential of offshore wind power in the high seas, where it seems extremely complicated and expensive to install an electric transmission to a continental grid. In addition, the IMO, a United Nation agency that is responsible for environmental impacts of ships, adopted ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas...
Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing
Numerical Meta-modelization based study of the propagation of ultrasonic waves in piping system with corroded area
The aim of the ANR project PYRAMID ( is to develop some technics of detection and quantification of the wall thinning due to flow accelerated corrosion in piping system. In the framework of this project involving French and Japanese laboratories, CEA LIST develops new numerical tools based on finite elements dedicated to the modelling of...
Smart Energy grids
Study of the specific features of highly distributed architectures for decision and control requirements
Our electricity infrastructure has undergone and will continue to undergo profound changes in the coming decades. The rapid growth in the share of renewables in electricity generation requires solutions to secure energy systems, especially with regard to the variability, stability and balancing aspects of the electricity system and the protection of the grid infrastructure itself....
Cyber physical systems - sensors and actuators
Non-volatile asynchronous magnetic SRAM design
In the applicative context of sensor nodes as in Internet of things (IoT) and for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), normally-off systems are mainly in a sleeping state while waiting events such as timer alarms, sensor threshold crossing, RF or also energetic environment variations to wake up. To reduce power consumption or due to missing energy,...
Smart Energy grids
Formalization of the area of responsibility of the actors of the electricity market
The CEA is currently developing a simulation tool which models the energy exchanges between the actors of the electricity market but which models, in addition, the exchanges of information between those actors. The first results of this work show that, for some new energy exchange schemes, ’indirect’ interactions between actors may appear and may cause...
Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing
High precision robotic manipulation with reinforcement learning and Sim2Real
High precision robotic assembly that handles high product variability is a key part of an agile and a flexible manufacturing automation system. To date however, most of the existing systems are difficult to scale with product variability since they need precise models of the environment dynamics in order to be efficient. This information is not...
Emerging materials and processes for nanotechnologies and microelectronics
Developement of relaxed pseudo-substrate based on InGaN porosified by electrochemical anodisation
As part of the Carnot PIRLE project starting in early 2021, we are looking for a candidate for a post-doctoral position of 24 months (12 months renewable) with a specialty in material science. The project consists in developing a relaxed pseudo-substrate based on III-N materials for µLEDs applications, especially for emission in red wavelength. The...
Advanced nano characterization
Optomechanical force probes development for high speed AFM
The proposed topic is part of a CARNOT project aiming at developing a new generation of force sensors based on optomechanical transduction. These force sensors will be implemented in ultrafast AFM microscopes for imaging and force spectroscopy. They will allow to address biological and biomedical applications on sub-microsecond or even nanosecond time scales in force...
Communication networks, IOT, radiofrequencies and antennas
Evaluation of RF system power consumption for joint system-technology optimization
To be able to increase and optimize wireless transmission systems based on a hybridization of technologies, it is strategic to be able to quickly evaluate the capabilities of these technologies and to adapt the associated architecture as best as possible. To this end, it is necessary to implement new approaches to global power management and...
Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing
Elaboration of a common robot/human action space
This post-doc aims at establishing by artificial intelligence methods (e.g. signal processing on graphs), the mapping of an industrial task performed by a human operator, and acquired by visual sensors, in order to be interpretable and exploitable by a robot. It is part of a project aiming at designing a demonstrator in which a robot...
Photonics, Imaging and displays
Design of an embedded vision system integrating a fast intelligent imager
The goal of the postdoc is to evaluate the interest of smart imagers integrating processing in the focal plane in embedded vision systems for a localization function and to propose a complete embedded vision system integrating a smart imager and a host. The study will focus on ego-localization applications, to realize, for example, a 3D...
Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
Environmental dosimetry: study, design and implementation of a calibration facility for low dose equivalent rates
In order to meet the calibration needs of the European radioactivity monitoring network, the Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel, part of CEA List, is installing a calibration facility for low dose equivalent rates, below 1 µSv/h. The work includes a study of the performance of the existing radiation beams and the design, installation and dosimetric characterization...
Photonics, Imaging and displays
Theoretical and experimental studies of the polarized light's propagation into OLED structure
In collaboration with chemists from CEA Saclay and the University of Rennes, Leti's LCEM laboratory is interested in new chiral molecules for OLED (Organic Light Emitting Device) sources able to emit circularly polarized light (CP). The interest of these CPOLED sources is multiple and encompasses both micro-screens and healthcare applications. While the state of the...
Emerging materials and processes for nanotechnologies and microelectronics
Design of 2D Matrix For Silicum Quantum computing with Validation by Simulation
The objective is to design a 2D matrix structure for quantum computing on silicon in order to consider structures of several hundred physical Qubits. In particular the subject will be focused on: - The functionality of the structure (Coulomb interaction, RF and quantum) - Manufacturing constraints (simulation and realistic process constraint) - The variability of...
Emerging materials and processes for nanotechnologies and microelectronics
Development of large area substrates for power electronics
Improving the performance of power electronics components is a major challenge for reducing our energy consumption. Diamond appears as the ultimate candidate for power electronics. However, the small dimensions and the price of the substrates are obstacles to the use of this material. The main objective of the work is to overcome these two difficulties...
Solar energy for energy transition
Decentralized Solar Charging System for Sustainable Mobility in rural Africa
A novel stand-alone solar charging station (SASCS) will be deployed of in Ethiopia. Seeing as 45% of Sub-Saharian Africa’s population lacks direct access to electricity grids and seeing as the the infrastructure necessary to reliably harness other energy sources is largely non-existent for many such populations in Ethiopia, introducing the SASCS among some of the...
Solar energy for energy transition
High efficiency silicon cell irradiations for space
Historically, photovoltaics was developed in conjunction with the growth of space exploration. During the 90's, III-V multi-junction solar cells were progressively replaced silicon, for their superior performance & radiation hardness. Today, the context is favorable to a revival of space Si: increasing PV power needs, missions with moderate durations & constraints (LEO), very low cost...
Smart Energy grids
Modeling of faults on low voltage DC networks in buildings, towards fault detection algorithms
The development of the use of renewable energies and energy storage as well as the progress made by power electronic components are gradually leading to a rethinking of the architectures of low voltage electrical distribution networks in buildings. These developments will allow the development of direct current or mixed alternating-direct current networks supplied by static...
Solar energy for energy transition
Development of irradiation resistant silicon materials and integration in photovoltaïcs cells for space applications
Historically, photovoltaic (PV) energy was developed together with the rise of space exploration. In the 90’s, multijunction solar cells based on III-V materials progressively replaced silicon (Si) cells, taking advantage of higher efficiency levels and electrons/protons irradiation resistance. Nowadays, the space environment is again looking at Si based PV applications: request of higher PV power,...
Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing
Application of a filtering method for the estimation of effective transmission condition parameters from ultrasonic data
In a recently completed thesis work, a filtering strategy combining both iterations of a Levemberg-Marquardt descent method with a gradient-free Kalman filtering approach has been developed. First evaluations of the algorithm have been carried out in order to reconstruct the pre-deformation of a plate geometry from guided wave ultrasound data. In this context, the main...
Energy efficiency for smart buildings, electrical mobility and industrial processes
Wood modifications by supercritical CO2
In order to replace current high environmental impact construction materials, CEA leads research work on chemical functionalization of wood (from French local forests) to improve its properties and make them a viable substitute of these construction materials or imported construction wood. In this frame, chemistry under supercritical CO2 appears to be an efficient way to...
Communication networks, IOT, radiofrequencies and antennas
Digital correction of the health status of an electrical network
Cable defects are usually detected when communication is interrupted, resulting in significant repair costs and time. In addition, data integrity is becoming a major issue due to the increased threats of attacks and intrusions on electrical networks that can disrupt communication. Being able to distinguish a disturbance due to the degradation of the physical layer...
Smart Energy grids
Attack detection in the electrical grid distributed control
To enable the emergence of flexible and resilient energy networks, we need to find solutions to the challenges facing these networks, in particular digitization and the protection of data flows that this will entail, and cybersecurity issues. In the Tasting project, and in collaboration with RTE, the French electricity transmission network operator, your role will...
Advanced nano characterization
Development and application of TERS/TEPL technique for advanced characterization of materials
TERS/TEPL (Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Tip-Enhanced Photoluminescence) are powerful analytical techniques developed for nanoscale material characterization. The recent acquisition of a unique and versatile TERS/TEPL equipment at PFNC (Nano-characterization Platform) of CEA LETI opens up new horizons for materials characterization. This tool combines Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and scanning probe microscopy. It features multi-wavelength capabilities (from...
Cyber physical systems - sensors and actuators
Development of piezoelectric resonators for power conversion
CEA-Leti has been working to improve energy conversion technologies for over 10 years. Our research focuses on designing more efficient and compact converters by leveraging GaN-based transistors, thereby setting new standards in terms of ultra-fast switching and energy loss reduction. In the pursuit of continuous innovation, we are exploring innovative paths, including the integration of...
Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
Eco-innovation of insulating materials by AI, for the design of a future cable that is long-lasting, resilient, bio-sourced and recyclable.
This topic is part of a larger upcoming project for the AI-powered creation of a new electrical cable for future nuclear power plants. The goal is to design cables with a much longer lifetime than existing cables in an eco-innovative approach. The focus is on the cable insulation because it is the most critical component...
Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
Contribution to the metrological traceability of emerging alpha-emitting radiopharmaceuticals in the framework of the european AlphaMet project (Metrology for Emerging Targeted Alpha Therapies)
The Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) at CEA/Saclay is the laboratory responsible for the french references in the field of ionizing radiation. The LNHB is involved in the european EPM AlphaMet (Metrology for Emerging Targeted Alpha Therapies) submitted under the Metrology support for Health call (2022) to provide metrological support for clinical and preclinical studies;...
Communication networks, IOT, radiofrequencies and antennas
Digital Correction of the Health Status of an H/F Electrical Network
Cable defects are usually detected when communication is interrupted, resulting in significant repair costs and time. In addition, data integrity is becoming a major issue due to the increased threats of attacks and intrusions on electrical networks that can disrupt communication. Being able to distinguish a disturbance due to the degradation of the physical layer...
Additive manufacturing, new routes for saving materials
Design and Implementation of a Neural Network for Thermo-Mechanical Simulation in Additive Manufacturing
The WAAM (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing) process is a metal additive manufacturing method that allows for the production of large parts with a high deposition rate. However, this process results in highly stressed and deformed parts, making it complex to predict their geometric and mechanical characteristics. Thermomechanical modeling is crucial for predicting these deformations, but...
Emerging materials and processes for nanotechnologies and microelectronics
Design of in-memory high-dimensional-computing system
Conventional von Neumann architecture faces many challenges in dealing with data-intensive artificial intelligence tasks efficiently due to huge amounts of data movement between physically separated data computing and storage units. Novel computing-in-memory (CIM) architecture implements data processing and storage in the same place, and thus can be much more energy-efficient than state-of-the-art von Neumann architecture....
Cyber security : hardware and sofware
Application of formal methods for interferences management
Within a multidisciplinary technological research team of experts in SW/HW co-design tools by applying formal methods, you will be involved in a national research project aiming at developing an environment to identify, analyze and reduce the interferences generated by the concurrent execution of applications on a heterogeneous commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) multi-core hardware platform.
Advanced hydrogen and fuel-cells solutions for energy transition
Simulation of PEMFC flooding phenomena
The proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is now considered as a relevant solution for carbon-free electrical energy production, for both transport and stationary applications. The management of the fluids inside these cells has a significant impact on their performance and their durability. Flooding phenomena due to the accumulation of liquid water are known to...
Solar energy for energy transition
Next generation PV module packaging design and mechanical testing
Photovoltaic modules are required to last 25- 30 years in harsh outdoor environment. The packaging of PV modules plays an essential role in reaching this target. PV cells are protected by a glass frontsheet, and highly engineered polymeric encapsulants and backsheets. Encapsulants provide moisture, oxygen &UV barrier, electrical isolation and mechanical protection of highly fragile...
Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
Optimization of a metrological approach to radionuclide identification based on spectral unmixing
The Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) at CEA/Saclay is the laboratory responsible for French references in the field of ionizing radiations. For several years now, it has been involved in the development of an automatic analysis tool for low-statistics gamma spectra, based on the spectral unmixing technique. This approach makes it possible to respond to...
Emerging materials and processes for nanotechnologies and microelectronics
Development of innovative metal contacts for 2D-material field-effect-transistors
Further scaling of Si-based devices below 10nm gate length is becoming challenging due to the control of thin channel thickness. For gate length smaller than 10nm, sub-5nm thick Si channel is required. However, the process-induced Si consumption and the reduction of carrier mobility in ultrathin Si layer can limit the channel thickness scaling. Today, the...
Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
Calibration of the high dose rate flash therapy beam monitor of the IRAMIS facility
Ultra-flash beams are pulsed beams of high-energy electrons (over a hundred MeV) with pulse durations in the femto-second range. The IRAMIS facility (CEA Saclay) uses laser acceleration to produce this type of beam, with a view to their application in radiotherapy. The LNHB is in charge of establishing dosimetric traceability for the IRAMIS facility, and...