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  • Cyber security : hardware and sofware
  • Energy efficiency for smart buildings, electrical mobility and industrial processes
  • Solar energy for energy transition
  • Green & decarbonated energy including bioprocesses and waste recycling
  • Additive manufacturing, new routes for saving materials
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  • Advanced hydrogen and fuel-cells solutions for energy transition
  • Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
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  • Emerging materials and processes for nanotechnologies and microelectronics
  • Advanced nano characterization
  • Photonics, Imaging and displays
  • Communication networks, IOT, radiofrequencies and antennas
  • Smart Energy grids
  • Numerical simulation & modelling
  • Stockage d'énergie électrochimique y compris les batteries pour la transition énergétique
  • Cyber physical systems - sensors and actuators
  • Health and environment technologies, medical devices
  • Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing

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  • Work-study contract
  • Fixed term contract
  • Permanent contract
  • phD
  • PostDoc
  • Internship

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  • CEA-Leti
  • CEA-List
  • CEA en Région

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  • Bordeaux – Pessac
  • Grenoble
  • Lille
  • Metz
  • Nantes
  • Paris – Saclay
  • Quimper
  • Toulouse - Labège

+Filter by Level of study

  • Level 4
  • Level 5 / Level 6
  • Level 7
  • Level 8
Number of results : 12
  • phD Study of inversion methods based on simulation and machine learning for defect characterisation in ultrasonic array imaging

    The thesis work is part of the activities of CEA-List department dedicated to Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), and aims to study simulation-based inversion methods to characterise defects from ultrasonic images, such as TFM (Total Focusing Method) or PWI (Plane Wave Imaging) images. The inversion methodology will rely on machine learning algorithms and numerical training databases generated...

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  • PostDoc X-ray tomography reconstruction based on Deep-Learning methods

    CEA-LIST is developing the CIVA software platform, a benchmark for the simulation of non-destructive testing processes. In particular, it offers tools for X-ray and tomographic inspection which, for a given inspection, can simulate all radiographies, taking into account various associated physical phenomena, as well as the corresponding tomographic reconstruction. CEA-LIST also has an experimental platform...

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  • phD High mobility mobile manipulator control in a dynamic context

    The development of mobile manipulators capable of adapting to new conditions is a major step forward in the development of new means of production, whether for industrial or agricultural applications. Such technologies enable repetitive tasks to be carried out with precision and without the constraints of limited workspace. Nevertheless, the efficiency of such robots depends...

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  • PostDoc X-ray tomography reconstruction based on analytical methods and Deep-Learning

    CEA-LIST develops the CIVA software platform, a reference for the simulation of non-destructive testing processes. In particular, it proposes tools for X-ray and tomographic inspection, which allow, for a given tomographic testing, to simulate all the radiographic projections (or sinogram) taking into account various associated physical phenomena, as well as the corresponding tomographic reconstruction. The...

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  • phD Microstructural characterization by bulk laser-ultrasounds tomography

    The proposed thesis falls into the framework of designing innovative methods in the materials characterization. The thesis aims to develop a new tomographic technique for characterizing microstructures using bulk laser ultrasound. In the state of the art, acoustic methods such as the scanning acoustic microscope and surface wave optoacoustic spectroscopy lead to grain imaging but...

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  • phD Smart & Scalable Orchestration to ensure system performance and reliability throughout Cloud Native ecosystems

    The Cloud Computing paradigm has brought a new way of building application systems by strongly decoupling applications and the platforms on which they operate. This is particularly thanks to virtualization techniques (virtual machines, containers, and soon WASM) and the associated orchestration technologies (OpenStack, Kubernetes, and CloudWASM), which make it possible to port, deploy, and manage...

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  • phD High speed/High capacity distributed Fiber Bragg Grating sensing technique for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications

    Schedule-driven Non-Destructive Evaluations (NDE) are carried out during structure/equipment’ life to detect major degradations endangering safety and impairing service availability. In addition to NDE, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) involves the use of in-situ Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensing systems and algorithms to evaluate structure worthiness. FBGs are mostly used as strain/temperature sensors but are also...

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  • phD Simulation of ultrasonic waves interaction phenomena with metal microstructure for imaging and characterisation purposes

    The interaction of waves with matter is highly dependent on the frequency of these waves and the scale of their wavelengths in relation to the properties of the medium under consideration. In the context of ultrasound imaging applications, particularly concerning metals, the scales considered are generally on the order of a millimeter (ranging from a...

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  • phD Study and exploitation of Barkhausen noise spectral information for the characterization of steels

    The use of magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) measurements for assessing the structural health of magnetic materials has become an important industrial technique the last years. The interest in the application of this technique stems from the strong dependence of the MBN signals on the material microstructure as well as its stress level and its chemical...

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  • Fixed term contract Engineer in Software for Industry of the Future

    The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, is the current transformation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices with the latest smart and digital technologies. Interoperability is the basis of Industry 4.0 and guarantees open and pluralistic markets. It enables systems, devices, and applications to communicate with one another and work together seamlessly. Open standards are...

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  • phD Scheduling adapted to Ramp;D cleanrooms

    In the midst of digital transition, characterized by the rapid development of new technologies, this subject aims to participate in the automation of decision support processes in a dynamic and complex environment, and to reduce cycle times in an Ramp;D environment, increasingly subject to an injunction of efficiency. In the current context marked by great...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur génie des procédés H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? Afin de faire face à une augmentation d’activité et au déploiement des moyens de cette plateforme, nous recherchons un(e) ingénieur(e) chercheur(euse) en génie des procédés. Vous serez rattaché(e) au pilote thématique d’Innovation TeQPA en tant qu’ingénieur de recherche. Afin de mener à bien nos projets partenariaux ou collaboratifs, vous...

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