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  • Cyber security : hardware and sofware
  • Energy efficiency for smart buildings, electrical mobility and industrial processes
  • Solar energy for energy transition
  • Green & decarbonated energy including bioprocesses and waste recycling
  • Additive manufacturing, new routes for saving materials
  • Support functions
  • Advanced hydrogen and fuel-cells solutions for energy transition
  • Instrumentation nucléaire et métrologie des rayonnements ionisants
  • Artificial Intelligence & data intelligence
  • New computing paradigms, including quantum
  • Emerging materials and processes for nanotechnologies and microelectronics
  • Advanced nano characterization
  • Photonics, Imaging and displays
  • Communication networks, IOT, radiofrequencies and antennas
  • Smart Energy grids
  • Numerical simulation & modelling
  • Stockage d'énergie électrochimique y compris les batteries pour la transition énergétique
  • Cyber physical systems - sensors and actuators
  • Health and environment technologies, medical devices
  • Factory of the future incl. robotics and non destructive testing

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  • Fixed term contract
  • Permanent contract
  • phD
  • PostDoc
  • Internship

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  • CEA-Leti
  • CEA-List
  • CEA en Région

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  • Cadarache – Aix-en-Provence
  • Grenoble
  • Lille
  • Paris – Saclay

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  • Level 5 / Level 6
  • Level 7
  • Level 8
  • Level 4
Number of results : 219
  • PostDoc Design and Implementation of a Neural Network for Thermo-Mechanical Simulation in Additive Manufacturing

    The WAAM (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing) process is a metal additive manufacturing method that allows for the production of large parts with a high deposition rate. However, this process results in highly stressed and deformed parts, making it complex to predict their geometric and mechanical characteristics. Thermomechanical modeling is crucial for predicting these deformations, but...

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  • PostDoc Detection of traces of narcotics in saliva by electrochemiluminescence on diamond electrodes

    The consumption of narcotics is becoming a problem for road safety because 23% of road deaths in France occur in an accident involving at least one driver who tested positive. Thus, one objective of road safety in consultation with the concerned ministries (Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Economy)...

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  • Internship Support logiciel pour calcul clairsemé / sparse

    Rejoignez-nous en Stage !   CEA Tech Corporate from CEA Tech on Vimeo. En tant que stagiaire au CEA, vous aurez l'opportunité de travailler au sein d'un environnement de recherche de renommée mondiale. Nos équipes sont composées d'experts passionnés et dédiés, offrant un cadre propice à l'apprentissage et à la collaboration. Vous aurez accès à des équipements de...

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  • phD Development of micro-optic strcture for uncooled infrared imaging sensor

    In this thesis, we aim to incorporate a low-resolution angular sorting function capable of discerning the primary direction of incident infrared flux. This information is crucial for enhancing image processing algorithms, thereby facilitating faster automatic focusing, improved image segmentation, and more accurate depth estimation. To achieve this functionality, a micro-optics network at pixel level must...

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  • Internship NO LONGER AVAILABLE - Stage - Modélisation multi-échelle du bruit dans les dispositifs quantiques H/F

    L'objectif de ce stage est d'améliorer la compréhension du bruit dans les dispositifs à qubits de spin grâce à des simulations à plusieurs échelles: - de la simulation atomistique pour décrire les défauts dans les matériaux et sa stabilité, - de la simulation à l'échelle du dispositif pour décrire les propriétés des qubits de spin,...

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  • phD improving effiiciency and directivity in color conversion µLEDs with metasurfaces

    In the field of augmented reality, the development of full color µLEDs matrices is a critical step towards miniaturizing and simplifying the optical system. Current pixel architectures in microLEDs displays are based on color conversion. Short wavelength emission from a first active material is absorbed by a second active layer to be re-emitted at longer...

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  • phD development of capacitive IIIV-Silicon modulators for emerging applications in silicon photonics

    The proposed thesis work consists in developing phase modulators based on the integration of IIIV-Silicon hybrid capacitors in silicon waveguides, at a wavelength of 1.55µm to meet the emerging demands of photonics (optical computing on chip, LIDAR). Unlike telecom/datacom applications, which have enabled the emergence of integrated silicon photonics, these new application fields involve circuits...

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  • phD 3D interferometric imaging system with reception module in integrated optics

    3D sensing by capturing depth images, is a key function in numerous emerging applications such as augmented reality, robotics and telemedicine. The laboratory has developed an innovative 3D sensing micro-optical prototype, using a frequency modulated Lidar technology with simultaneous illumination of the whole scene. The next step is the miniaturization of the setup with integrated...

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  • phD Study of new photodiode architecture for IR imagers

    In the field of high-performance infrared detection, CEA-LETI plays a leading role in the development of the HgCdTe material, which today offers such performance that it is integrated into the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and allows the observation and study of deep space with unparalleled precision to date. However, we believe that it is...

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  • PostDoc High-performance computing using CMOS technology at cryogenic temperature

    Advances in materials, transistor architectures, and lithography technologies have enabled exponential growth in the performance and energy efficiency of integrated circuits. New research directions, including operation at cryogenic temperatures, could lead to further progress. Cryogenic electronics, essential for manipulating qubits at very low temperatures, is rapidly developing. Processors operating at 4.2 K using 1.4 zJ...

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  • Internship Conception et implémentation de visualisation permettant d'aider à comparer des ACV H/F

    Rejoignez-nous en Stage !  CEA Tech Corporate from CEA Tech on Vimeo. En tant que stagiaire au CEA, vous aurez l'opportunité de travailler au sein d'un environnement de recherche de renommée mondiale. Nos équipes sont composées d'experts passionnés et dédiés, offrant un cadre propice à l'apprentissage et à la collaboration. Vous aurez accès à des équipements de...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur-chercheur en développement librairies mathématiques - CDD/Post-doc H/F

    Nous recherchons un CDD ou post-doctorat de 18 mois pour réaliser des développements mathématiques et d'implémenter, sur architecture GPU, les librairies logicielles permettant de : 1/ Générer les surfaces spline MBA à partir d'un nuage de points exprimés dans un système de coordonnées génériques curvilignes. 2/ Calculer leur intersection avec des rayons. Au sein de...

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  • Fixed term contract Research engineer on sustainable 6G Networks H/F

    As part of these activities, we are looking for a research engineer to strengthen the team and carry out research and development work in the area of resource allocation, orchestration protocols and optimization for future wireless communication systems (Beyond 5G and 6G), with a strong focus on sustainability. The activities will be fully carried out...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur Chercheur en Conception de circuits numériques pour le décodage d'erreurs quantiques H/F

    Venez participer à une aventure scientifique passionnante : la révolution de l’ordinateur quantique ! Le calcul quantique a le potentiel de révolutionner notre façon de résoudre des problèmes liés aux enjeux sociétaux de notre siècle. La chimie quantique pourrait par exemple amener à la découverte de catalyseurs plus efficaces ou de nouveaux médicaments. Ce poste...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD OD-Ingénieur en conception de circuits de lecture analogique H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ?  Nous vous proposons d’intégrer un environnement de recherche unique pour une expérience sur une thématique à la pointe de l’innovation. Vous êtes ingénieur(e) en conception de circuits CMOS analogiques, et vous souhaitez renforcer vos compétences en design d’imageurs, rejoignez notre équipe pluridisciplinaire de 25 ingénieurs et techniciens ! Dans...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD - Ingénieur filière mémoire résistive H/F

    Le Laboratoire des Dispositifs pour les Mémoires et le Calcul explore et développe des mémoires non-volatiles innovantes (NVM de type mémoires résistives) et des solutions de calcul en rupture (neuromorphique, calcul dans la mémoire…). Notre laboratoire rassemble des compétences en dispositifs et technologie nano-électronique et conception de circuit pour le calcul et les mémoires embarquées. Dans...

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  • Fixed term contract Post Doc - Traitement de signal pour capteur RF quantique H/F

    NOUS REJOINDRE, POUR FAIRE QUOI ? Dans le cadre du développement des technologies quantiques, le (la) candidat(e) sera responsable de l'étude, de la modélisation, du dimensionnement et de la caractérisation de systèmes de détection d'ondes radiofréquences basés sur des récepteurs de nouvelle génération reposant sur la physique quantique. Les travaux porteront sur la modélisation des...

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  • Internship Formal methodology for the exploration and the evaluation of complex critical SW architecture M/F

    The internship aims to enhance the existing tooled metodology called QuaRTOS-DSE by improving the formalization and the implementation of the existing methodology. The internship will address the exploration and the evaluation of complex critical SW architecture. Obtained SW architecture will be evaluated by a formal verification of extra functional system properties using existing tools. The...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur intégration pour les technologies avancées H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? Le CEA-LETI est un acteur majeur de projets européens de grande envergure tels que le projet FAMES qui consiste à développer des nœuds avancés de la technologie FD-SOI. Dans ce cadre, nous renforçons notre équipe pour faire face à de nouveaux défis en termes de développements technologiques.  Qu’est ce...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur Technologue filière II-VI H/F

    Vous serez au cœur des développements des architectures des composés II-VI, compatibles aux fonctions devices et à leurs réalisations. Votre activité se focalisera en particulier dans le cadre de la fabrication et des développements des procédés associés à cette filière. Pour chaque projet, vous serez en mesure à terme de proposer le design-device-II-VI/fab et de mettre en...

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  • Internship Exploring the Generalizability of ML-driven Model Generation for HW Design H/F

    This internship aims to develop a methodology for constructing machine learning (ML)-based models that effectively generalize across the design space of the CVA6 processor. The objective is to predict performance, power, and area (PPA) metrics based on hardware configurations while reducing the number of required simulations. One aspect of the internship involves conducting a comprehensive...

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  • PostDoc Development of noise-based artifical intellgence approaches

    Current approaches to AI are largely based on extensive vector-matrix multiplication. In this postdoctoral project we would like to pose the question, what comes next? Specifically we would like to study whether (stochastic) noise could be the computational primitive that the a new generation of AI is built upon. This question will be answered in...

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  • Internship Apprentissage par transfert pour le diagnostic de câble par réflectométrie H/F

    Contexte La réflectométrie est une méthode de diagnostic qui permet d’identifier et caractériser des défauts électriques sur des câbles ou plus généralement des lignes de transmission. Elle exploite les propriétés physiques de la propagation des ondes dans un milieu, et en l’occurrence un câble. En effet, lorsqu’on y injecte un signal approprié, les variations d’impédance...

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  • PostDoc High entropy alloys determination (predictive thermodynamics and Machine learning) and their fast elaboration by Spark Plasma Sintering

    The proposed work aims to create an integrated system combining a computational thermodynamic algorithm (CALPHAD-type (calculation of phase diagrams)) with a multi-objective algorithm (genetic, Gaussian or other) together with data mining techniques in order to select and optimize compositions of High entropy alloys in a 6-element system: Fe-Ni-Co-Cr-Al-Mo. Associated with computational methods, fast fabrication and...

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  • PostDoc Optimization of a metrological approach to radionuclide identification based on spectral unmixing

    The Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) at CEA/Saclay is the laboratory responsible for French references in the field of ionizing radiations. For several years now, it has been involved in the development of an automatic analysis tool for low-statistics gamma spectra, based on the spectral unmixing technique. This approach makes it possible to respond to...

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  • PostDoc Development of Algorithms for the Detection and Quantification of Biomarkers from Voltammograms

    The objective of the post-doctoral research is to develop a high-performance algorithmic and software solution for the detection and quantification of biomarkers of interest from voltammograms. These voltammograms are one-dimensional signals obtained from innovative electrochemical sensors. The study will be carried out in close collaboration with another laboratory at CEA-LIST, the LIST/DIN/SIMRI/LCIM, which will provide...

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  • PostDoc Modeling of charge noise in spin qubits

    Thanks to strong partnerships between several research institutes, Grenoble is a pioneer in the development of future technologies based on spin qubits using manufacturing processes identical to those used in the silicon microelectronics industry. The spin of a qubit is often manipulated with alternating electrical (AC) signals through various spin-orbit coupling (SOC) mechanisms that couple...

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  • phD CORTEX: Container Orchestration for Real-Time, Embedded/edge, miXed-critical applications

    This PhD proposal will develop a container orchestration scheme for real-time applications, deployed on a continuum of heterogeneous computing resources in the embedded-edge-cloud space, with a specific focus on applications that require real-time guarantees. Applications, from autonomous vehicles, environment monitoring, or industrial automation, applications traditionally require high predictability with real-time guarantees, but they increasingly ask...

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  • phD Complex 3D structuring based on DNA origami

    The rapid evolution of new technologies, such as autonomous cars and renewable energy, requires the development of increasingly complex structures. To achieve this, many surface patterning techniques are available today. In microelectronics, optical lithography is the standard method for creating micro- and nanometric patterns. However, it remains limited in terms of the diversity of shapes...

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  • PostDoc Study of the specific features of highly distributed architectures for decision and control requirements

    Our electricity infrastructure has undergone and will continue to undergo profound changes in the coming decades. The rapid growth in the share of renewables in electricity generation requires solutions to secure energy systems, especially with regard to the variability, stability and balancing aspects of the electricity system and the protection of the grid infrastructure itself....

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  • phD Self Forming Barrier Materials for Advanced BEOL Interconnects

    Context : As semiconductor technology scales down to 10 nm and below, Back End of Line (BEOL) scaling presents challenges, particularly in maintaining the integrity of copper interconnects, where line/via resistance and copper fill are key issues. Copper (Cu) interconnections must resist diffusion and delamination while maintaining optimal conductivity. In the traditional Cu damascene process,...

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  • phD Ultra-wide-field smart microscope for the detection of egg parasite (SCREENER)

    In most parasitic cycles, the free phase passes through an egg stage, which is released by the host into the environment via a complex faecal matrix, which has highly variable and often low egg concentrations. The classical detection method relies on microscopic observation of these eggs, which implies a tedious and time-consuming preparation of the...

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  • PostDoc New Sustainable Carbon Catalysts for PEMFC

    The aim of the project is to develop and test for ORR, a mesoporous and graphitised graphene aerogel based material, presenting a hierarchical structuring allowing a better material transfer and graphitic domains increasing the durability and conductivity of the final material, and functionalised by Pt-NPs. These graphene-based structures developed at IRIG/SyMMES possess surface chemistries and...

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  • phD Fracture dynamics in crystalline layer transfer technology

    Smart Cut™ is a technology discovered at CEA and now industrially used for the manufacture of advanced substrates for electronics. However, the physical phenomena involved are still the focus of numerous studies at CEA. In Smart Cut™, a thin material layer is transferred from one wafer to another using a key fracture annealing step upon...

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  • phD Impact of plasma activation on reliability of Cu/SiO2 hybrid bonding integrations

    In recent years, CEA-LETI emerged as a leading force in the development of advanced microelectronic manufacturing processes. A key focus has been on wafer-to-wafer Cu/SiO2 hybrid bonding (HB) process, an emerging technology increasingly employed for producing compact, high performance and multifunctional devices. Before bonding, a crucial surface activation step is necessary to enhance the mechanical...

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  • phD Plasma Etching development for the advanced nodes using SADP techniques

    The miniaturization of the electronics components involves the development of new processes. Indeed, the 193nm immersion lithography alone does not permit anymore to achieve the dimensional requirements of the most advanced technological nodes (=10nm). Since the last 10 years, multi-patterning techniques have been developed to overcome the i193nm lithography limitations. Herein, we will study the...

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  • phD TeraHertz Landau emission in HgTe/CdTe topological quantum wells

    Quantum well heterostructures of HgTe/CdTe are known as topological insulators. They inherit very peculiar electronic properties. One of them is the ability of producing TeraHertz emission from inter-Landau energy level optical transitions. These transitions can be envisioned to lead to coherent optical sources in spectral range where they are basically absent. The PhD Thesis consists...

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  • phD MOCVD growth of 2D ferroelectric In2Se3 films for high density, low consumption nonvolatile memories

    Room temperature ferroelectric thin films are the key element of high density, low consumption nonvolatile memories. However, with the further miniaturization of the electronics devices beyond the Moore’s law, conventional ferroelectrics suffer great challenge arising from the critical thickness effect, where the ferroelectricity is unstable if the film thickness is reduced to nanometer or single...

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  • phD Sub-10nm CMOS performances assessment by co-optimization of lithography and design

    While developing and introducing new technologies (ex. FDSOI 10nm CMOS), design rules (DRM) are the guidelines used to ensure that a chip design can be reliably fabricated. These rules govern the physical dimensions and spacing of various features used by the designer in the chip layout. They translate both device electrical constraints and manufacturing processes...

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  • phD Development of a Multilayer Encapsulation System for the Production of Core-Shell Microcapsules Suitable for Organoid Growth

    Every year, 20 million people worldwide are diagnosed with cancer, with 9.7 million succumbing to the disease (Kocarnik et al., 2021). Personalized treatment could significantly reduce the number of deaths. This thesis addresses this challenge by proposing the development of organoids derived from patient biopsies to optimize treatments. The bioproduction of encapsulated cells in biopolymers...

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  • PostDoc Batteries recycling :Development and understanding of a new deactivation concept of lithium ion domestic batteries

    Domestic lithium ion batteries gather all batteries used in electronic devices, mobile phone, and tooling applications. By 2030, the domestic lithium-ion battery market will increase up to 30%. With the new European recycling regulation and the emergency to find greener and safer recycling process, it is today necessary to develop new deactivation process of domestic...

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  • phD Study of grayscale photoresists and lithography process optimizations for submicron optical applications

    Grayscale lithography process has been used for several years to obtain complex tridimensional structures on semiconductors substrates. This process is particularly adapted for optical and opto-electronics applications. CEA-LETI has developed a strong expertise on I-line (365nm) grayscale lithography, and is now willing to expand its capabilities and explore grayscale process with DUV (248nm and 193nm)...

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  • phD SCOamp;FE ALD materials for FeFET transistors

    Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors FeFET is a valuable high-density memory component suitable for 3D DRAM. FeFET concept combines oxide semiconductors SCO as canal material and ferroelectric metal oxides FE as transistor gate [2, 3]. Atomic layer deposition ALD of SCO and FE materials at ultrathin thickness level (lt;10 nm) and low temperature (lt;300°C) are highly...

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  • phD Direct metal etch mechanisms study for the BEOL of ultimate SOI nodes

    The topic fits into the deployment of silicon technologies at the European level (European chips act), led by CEA-Leti. The focus will be on providing advanced technological building blocks for electrical routing (Back End of Line) of logic and analog devices. The development of increasingly high-performance circuits requires interconnections with more aggressive dimensions. The use...

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  • phD ALD materials for FE and AFE capacitances

    Ultrathin HfO2-based materials are regarded as promising candidates for embedded non-volatile memory (eNVM) and logic devices. The CEA-LETI has a leadership position in the field of BEOL-FeRAM memories ultra-low consumption (lt;100fj/bit) at low voltage (lt;1V). In this context, the developments expected in this thesis aim to evaluate the impact of HfO2-based ferroelectric FE and antiferroelectric...

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  • phD Advanced Surface Analysis of Ferroelectrics for memory applications

    CEA-Leti has a robust track record in memory technology. This PhD project aims to contribute to the development of HfO2-based ferroelectric devices. One of the major challenges in this field is to stabilize the orthorhombic phase while reducing film thickness and thermal budget. To gain a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms, a novel sample...

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  • phD Low temperature selective epitaxial growth of SiGe(:B) for pMOS FD-SOI transistors

    As silicon technologies for microelectronics continue to evolve, processes involved in device manufacturing need to be optimized. More specifically, epitaxy, a crystal growth technique, is being used to fabricate 10 nm technological node FD-SOI (Fully Depleted-Silicon On Insulator) transistors as part of CEA-Letiapos;s NextGen project. Doped and undoped Si and SiGe semiconductor epitaxy is being...

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  • phD Optimisation of advanced mask design for sub-micrometer 3D lithography

    With the advancement of opto-electronic technology, 3D patterns with sub micrometer dimensions are more and more integrated in the device, especially on imaging and AR/VR systems. To fabricate such 3D structures using standard lithography technique requires numerous process steps: multiple lithography and pattern transfer, which is time and resource consuming. With optical grayscale lithography, such...

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  • phD Thermomechanical study of heterostructures according to bonding conditions

    For many industrial applications, the assembly of several structures is one of the key stages in the manufacturing process. However, these steps are generally difficult to carry out, as they lead to significant increases in warpage. Controlling stresses and strains generated by heterostructures is however imperative. We proposes to address this subject using both experimental...

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  • phD Development of algorithms and modeling tools of Low-Energy Critical Dimension Small Angle X-ray Scattering

    This PhD will take place at the CEA–LETI, a major European actor in the semiconductor industry, and more precisely, at the Nanocharacterization platform of the CEA–LETI witch offer world-class analytical techniques and state-of-the-art instruments. Our team aims to accompany the industry in the development of new characterization tools and so to meet the metrological needs...

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  • phD Sperm 3D - Male infertility diagnostic tool using holography for imaging and 3D tracking

    Infertility is a growing problem in all developed countries. The standard methods for the diagnostic of male infertility examine the concentration, motility and morphological anomalies of individual sperm cells. However, one in five male infertility cases remain unexplained with the standard diagnostic tools. In this thesis, we will explore the possibility to determine the male...

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  • phD 3D chemical analysis of downscaled ePCM devices for sub-18 nm technology nodes using STEM-EDX tomography and machine learning tools

    The context of this PhD is the recent progress of Phase-Change Memory technology in the embedded applications (ePCM). The ultimate scaling of ePCM for sub-18nm nodes poses many challenges not only in fabrication, but also in the physico-chemical characterization of these devices. The aim of the project is to study the 3D chemical segregation/crystallization phenomena...

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  • phD Hardware-aware Optimizations for Efficient Generative AI with Mamba Networks

    Generative AI has the potential to transform various industries. However, current state-of-the-art models like transformers face significant challenges in computational and memory efficiency, especially when deployed on resource-constrained hardware. This PhD research aims to address these limitations by optimizing Mamba networks for hardware-aware applications. Mamba networks offer a promising alternative by reducing the quadratic complexity...

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  • phD Combined Software and Hardware Approaches for Large Scale Sparse Matrix Acceleration

    Computational physics, artificial intelligence and graph analytics are important compute problems which depend on processing sparse matrices of huge dimensions. This PhD thesis focuses on the challenges related to efficiently processing such sparse matrices, by applying a systematic software are hardware approach. Although the processing of sparse matrices has been studied from a purely software...

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  • PostDoc Exploring microfluidic solutions for manufacturing targets for fusion power generation

    As part of a call for projects on quot;innovative nuclear reactorsquot;, the TARANIS project involves studying the possibility of energy production by a power laser-initiated inertial confinement fusion power plant. The current context, which encourages the development of low-carbon energies, and the fusion experiments carried out by the NIFapos;s American teams, make it very attractive...

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  • phD Accélération de simulations thermo-mécaniques par Réseaux de Neurones — Applications à la fabrication additive et la mise en forme des métaux

    In multiple industries, such as metal forming and additive manufacturing, the discrepancy between the desired shape and the shape really obtained is significant, which hinders the development of these manufacturing techniques. This is largely due to the complexity of the thermal and mechanical processes involved, resulting in a high computational simulation time. The aim of...

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  • phD Design of electrically small antennas for connected object applications

    This doctoral project focuses on the design of innovative antennas suited for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, addressing major challenges related to size, performance, and integration. The scientific context is based on the growing demand for electrically small and efficient antennas, capable of seamlessly integrating with IoT devices while maintaining high radiation efficiency. The proposed...

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  • phD Power and data transmission via an acoustic link for closed metallic environments

    This thesis focuses on the transmission of power and data through metal walls using acoustic waves. Ultimately, this technology will be used to power, read and control systems located in areas enclosed in metal, such as pressure vessels, ship hulls and submarines. Because electromagnetic waves are absorbed by metal, acoustic waves are needed to communicate...

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  • phD eBeam Probing

    The design of integrated circuits requires, at the end of the chain, circuit editing and failure analysis tools. One of these tools is the probing of electrical potential levels using an electron beam available in a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) to determine the electrical signal present in an area of the circuit, which may be...

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  • phD Physics of perovskite materials for medical radiography: experimental study of photoconduction gain

    X-rays is the most widely used medical imaging modality. It is used to establish diagnostics, monitor the evolution of pathologies, and guide surgical procedures. The objective of this thesis is to study a perovskite type semiconductor material for its use as a direct X-ray sensor. Perovskite-based matrix imagers demonstrate improved spatial resolution and increased signal,...

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  • phD Study and evaluation of silicon technology capacities for applications in infrared bolometry

    Microbolometers currently represent the dominant technology for the realization of uncooled infrared thermal detectors. These detectors are commonly used in the fields of thermography and surveillance. However, the microbolometer market is expected to grow explosively in the coming years, particularly with their integration into automobiles and the proliferation of connected devices. The CEA Leti LI2T,...

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  • phD Combining over and underapproximation of memory abstractions for low-level code analysis

    Riceapos;s theorem stating that no method can automatically tell whether a property of a program is true or not has led to the separation of verification tools into two groups: sound tools operating by over-approximation, such as abstract interpretation, are able to automatically prove that certain properties are true, but are sometimes unable to conclude...

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  • PostDoc Development of a new spectrometer for the characterization of the radionuclide-based neutron sources

    Since few years, the LNHB is developing a new instrument dedicated to the neutron spectrometry, called AQUASPEC. The experimental device consists of a polyethylene container that is equipped with a central channel accommodating the source and 12-measurement channels (in a spiral formation) around the source, into which detectors can be placed. The container is filled...

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  • Internship Internship: Ferroelectric FET-based Circuit Design for Artificial Intelligence

    Join the CEA-LETI for an exciting technological adventure! This internship will enable you to cover a wide range of knowledge, covering microelectronic processes, analogue integrated design and 3D integration technologies, without losing sight of the needs specific to AI algorithms. Working with multidisciplinary teams to gain a detailed understanding of the memory device and the measurements...

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  • PostDoc LLMs hybridation for requirements engineering

    Developing physical or digital systems is a complex process involving both technical and human challenges. The first step is to give shape to ideas by drafting specifications for the system to be. Usually written in natural language by business analysts, these documents are the cornerstones that bind all stakeholders together for the duration of the...

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  • PostDoc Attack detection in the electrical grid distributed control

    To enable the emergence of flexible and resilient energy networks, we need to find solutions to the challenges facing these networks, in particular digitization and the protection of data flows that this will entail, and cybersecurity issues. In the Tasting project, and in collaboration with RTE, the French electricity transmission network operator, your role will...

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  • phD Code-Reuse Attacks : Automated Exploitation and Defense

    Software vulnerabilities due to memory management errors are among the easiest to exploit. To prevent an attacker from injecting its own arbitrary code (shellcode), modern systems commonly enforce a Data Execution Prevention (DEP), often implemented as segment permissions (Write xor Execute – W^E). Yet, Code-Reuse Attacks have emerged to circumvent the DEP protections. Thanks to...

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  • phD 3D ultrasound imaging using orthogonal row and column addressing of the matrix array for ultrasonic NDT

    This thesis is part of the activities of the Digital Instrumentation Department (DIN) in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), and aims to design a new, fast and advanced 3D ultrasound imaging method using matrix arrays. The aim will be to produce three-dimensional ultrasound images of the internal volume of a structure that may contain defects (e.g. cracks),...

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  • PostDoc Digital correction of the health status of an electrical network

    Cable faults are generally detected when communication is interrupted, resulting in significant repair costs and downtime. Additionally, data integrity becomes a major concern due to the increased threats of attacks and intrusions on electrical networks, which can disrupt communication. Being able to distinguish between disruptions caused by the degradation of the physical layer of an...

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  • phD Dynamic Assurance Cases for Autonomous Adaptive Systems

    Providing assurances that autonomous systems will operate in a safe and secure manner is a prerequisite for their deployment in mission-critical and safety-critical application domains. Typically, assurances are provided in the form of assurance cases, which are auditable and reasoned arguments that a high-level claim (usually concerning safety or other critical properties) is satisfied given...

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  • phD Integrity, availability and confidentiality of embedded AI in post-training stages

    With a strong context of regulation of AI at the European scale, several requirements have been proposed for the quot;cybersecurity of AIquot; and more particularly to increase the security of complex modern AI systems. Indeed, we are experience an impressive development of large models (so-called “Foundation” models) that are deployed at large-scale to be adapted...

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  • phD Integrated System for Adaptive Antenna Tuning and Synthesized Impedance in the Sub-6 GHz Band for Next-Generation RF Systems.

    The growing adoption of sub-6 GHz RF systems for 5G, IoT, and wearable technologies has created a critical demand for compact, efficient, and adaptive solutions to enhance energy transfer, mitigate environmental detuning effects, and enable advanced sensing capabilities. This thesis proposes an innovative system-on-chip (SoC) that integrates an Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU) and a Synthesized...

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  • phD Super-gain miniature antennas with circular polarization and electronic beam steering

    Antenna radiation control in terms of shape and polarization is a key element for future communication systems. Directive compact antennas offer new opportunities for wireless applications in terms of spatial selectivity and filtering. This leads to a reduction in electromagnetic pollution by mitigating interferences with other communication systems and reducing battery consumption in compact smart...

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  • phD Enhancing Communication Security Through Faster-than-Nyquist Transceiver Design

    In light of the growing demand for transmission capacity in communication networks, it is essential to explore innovative techniques that enhance spectral efficiency while maintaining the reliability and security of transmission links. This project proposes a comprehensive theoretical modeling of Faster-Than-Nyquist (FTN) systems, accompanied by simulations and numerical analyses to evaluate their performance in various...

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  • phD High-isolation power supply

    With the rapid evolution of technologies and the growing challenges of miniaturization and resource management, power converters are facing ever more stringent performance requirements. To meet these needs, the use of wide-bandgap semiconductors such as SiC (silicon carbide) and GaN (gallium nitride) is becoming increasingly common. These materials significantly increase the switching speed of converters,...

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  • Internship Towards eco-innovative, sustainable and reliable piezoelectric technology H/F

    You will participate in efforts aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of piezoelectric (PZE) technology applied to micro-actuators and sensors, while maintaining optimal levels of electrical performance and reliability. Currently, PZE technology primarily relies on PZT material (Pb(Zr,Ti)O3), which contains lead, as well as electrodes made from materials such as Pt, Ru, and Au, along...

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  • phD Laser Fault Injection Physical Modelling in FD-SOI technologies: toward security at standard cells level on FD-SOI 10 nm node

    The cybersecurity of our infrastructures is at the very heart in the digital transition on-going, and security must be ensured throughout the entire chain. At the root of trust lies the hardware, integrated circuits providing essential functions for the integrity, confidentiality and availability of processed information. But hardware is vulnerable to physical attacks, and defence...

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  • Internship Métamodèle de matrices de diffraction pour l'inspection ultrasonore par ondes ultrasonore guidées H/F

    Dans le cas des structures élancées (guide d’ondes), des méthodes de CND pour l’inspection de potentiels défauts, reposant sur la propagation des ondes élastiques guidées sont développées depuis plusieurs années au sein de la communauté scientifique. Le Laboratoire de Simulation, de Modélisation et d'Analyse (LSMA) du CEA-List implémente des méthodes numériques dédiées au sein de...

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  • phD Advancing Semantic Representation, Alignment, and Reasoning in Multi-Agent 6G Communication Systems

    Semantic communications is an emerging and transformative research area, where the focus shifts from transmitting raw data to conveying meaningful information. While initial models and design solutions have laid foundational principles, they often rest on strong assumptions regarding the extraction, representation, and interpretation of semantic content. The advent of 6G networks introduces new challenges, particularly...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur de développement en procédés de gravure plasma plus écoresponsable - CDD H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour faire quoi ? Nous vous proposons de rejoindre notre équipe pour accroitre vos compétences dans le domaine de développement des procédés de gravure sur la ligne pilote du CEA-Leti. Vous aurez pour principales missions : De mener un travail de R&D visant au développement de procédés de gravure/stripping écoresponsables pour les nouvelles technologies...

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  • phD Advanced functions for monitoring power transistors (towards greater reliability and increased lifespan of power converters for energy)

    In order to increase the power of electronic systems, a common approach is to parallelize components within modules. However, this parallelization is complicated by the dispersion of transistor parameters, both initial and post-aging. Fast switching of Wide Bandgap (WBG) semiconductors components often requires slowdowns to avoid over-oscillation and destruction. An intelligent driving scheme, including adjusted...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur(e) chercheur en génie logiciel et modélisation pour la maintenance des systèmes nucléaires H/F

    Depuis sa création en 2008, la plateforme Papyrus est en constante évolution, à la fois pour s’adapter à court/moyen terme aux besoins des partenariats en cours (e.g., projets de transferts industriels de nos méthodes et outils), mais aussi à plus long terme pour anticiper les usages et les besoins de demain (e.g., projets institutionnels européens...

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  • phD Identification versus anonymisation from an embedded client operating on a blockchain

    The first worldwide deployment of a blockchain dates back to 2010 with Bitcoin, which introduced a completely digital monetary system and a crypto-currency, bitcoin. Within Bitcoin, all transactions are publicly accessible and traceable, which should generate trust between stakeholders. However, the traceability of transactions, and ultimately of the crypto-currency, does not imply the traceability of...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur-chercheur en Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) et Machine Learning H/F

    Rejoignez le CEA pour donner du sens à votre activité, mener ou soutenir des projets de R&D nationaux et internationaux, cultiver et faire vivre votre esprit de curiosité. Nous cherchons un(e) Ingénieur-chercheur en Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) et Machine Learning. Ce poste de cadre en CDD est basé sur le site du CEA Paris-Saclay, Essonne...

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  • phD Embedded local blockchain on secure physical devices

    The blockchain is based on a consensus protocol, the aim of which is to share and replicate ordered data between peers in a distributed network. The protocol stack, embedded in the network's peer devices, relies on a proof mechanism that certifies the timestamp and ensures a degree of fairness within the network. The consensus protocols...

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  • Permanent contract Chargé(e) de recrutement H/F

    Au sein de la Cellule Recrutement & Attractivité de la DRT (CATCH), vous jouerez un rôle stratégique dans l’acquisition des talents en lien étroit avec les RH de proximité et les managers. Vos missions : Piloter le recrutement de profils clés (CDI & CDD) ·       Définition des besoins avec les opérationnels et...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD - Ingénieur en conception analogique et mixte de circuits intégrés H/F

    Au sein de l’équipe du L3I, vous participerez au développement et la conception d’une architecture analogique et mixte reconfigurable, de type analog-to-information, dédiée au traitement intégré de signaux analogiques. Ces architectures permettent d’apporter des gains significatifs (consommation / surface / performance) par rapport aux solutions classiques de l’état de l’art, grâce à une optimisation end-to-end...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD - Ingénieur chercheur pour le CMOS avancé H/F

    Sur le site de ST Microelectronics Crolles, vous aurez pour principales missions de piloter la réalisation d’expériences en salle blanche (création de process flows, suivi technologique d’intégration CMOS, interaction avec les experts technologues pour l’intégration de procédés nouveaux) et d’optimiser les performances des dispositifs CMOS (définition des variantes technologiques, création de programmes de tests électriques,...

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  • Internship Stage - Suivi de la corrosion par émission acoustique identification des événements par machine lea H/F

    La corrosion est un enjeu majeur dans de nombreuses industries car elle peut mener notamment à une réduction de la résistance mécanique ou à une perte d’étanchéité. Des méthodes sont donc développées pour permettre son suivi. En particulier, deux natures de corrosion sont à distinguer : la corrosion généralisée, se traduisant par une perte d’épaisseur de...

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  • Fixed term contract Electrochemical Research Engineer M/F

    Diabetes is a major public health problem, affecting 1 in 11 adults by 2021. Ten per cent of these patients suffer from type 1 diabetes (T1D), which is a chronic metabolic disease linked to the active autoimmune destruction of insulin-secreting β cells in the islets of Langerhans by the activation of T cells. Despite technological...

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  • Fixed term contract Développeur-euse Java et techno Web F/H

    « Rejoignez le CEA pour donner du sens à votre activité professionnelle, en cultivant votre esprit de curiosité en soutenant des projets de recherche dans un environnement international, d’excellence scientifique et technologique, à fort impact sociétal. »   EN SYNTHESE : Pour développer une application d’optimisation de planification, nous cherchons un.e développeur.euse Java et techno Web,...

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  • Fixed term contract Research Engineer in component Security H/F

    The position concerns the implementation of hardware countermeasures in processor architectures based on the RISC-V ISA. The missions are as follows : • RTL implementation, verification and documentation of security IPs then their integration into RISC-V processors emulated on FPGA. • Verification of CPU operation before and after integration of countermeasures. • Development of demonstrator...

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  • Fixed term contract Using LLMs for the specification of data sharing policies - CDD - Paris-Saclay F/H

    “Join the CEA to give meaning to your activity, lead and support national and international R&D projects, cultivate and bring to life your spirit of curiosity.” IN SUMMARY, WHAT DO WE OFFER YOU? The CEA is looking for an Engineer in use of LLMs for the specification of data sharing policies for the CEA/DRT (Technological...

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  • Internship Interactions lumineuses par ray tracing entre des modèles 3D et une scène 3D Gaussian spaltting. H/F

    Le but de ce stage est de mettre en scène des objets modélisés via des maillages triangulaires dans des environnements complexes représentés par des 3D Gaussian Splatting. Afin de ne pas rompre l'expérience immersive, il est important de simuler les interactions lumineuses entre les objets et la scène par ombres portées ou reçues, réflexions, réfractions...

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  • Fixed term contract Architecte Logiciel H/F

    Intégré au sein du SMIL (Service Méthode Intégration et logistique), vous aurez pour mission d’accompagner la transition numérique du LETI, en définissant une architecture à l’état de l’art permettant de sortir du mode silo et hétérogène actuel. Le domaine applicatif est celui du Manufacturing Execution System (MES) du LETI et de son écosystème logiciel. Une migration...

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  • Internship Laminographie sur système robotisé :optimisation de trajectoire et amélioration de la reconstruction H/F

    La laminographie est une technique largement utilisée dans de nombreuses applications pour révéler la structure interne d'un objet inconnu en utilisant la propagation des rayons X à travers celui-ci. Nous proposons un stage étudiant de six mois axé sur l'amélioration des techniques de laminographie à l'aide d'un système robotisé. Ce stage offre une opportunité unique...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur Affaires Réglementaires Dispositifs Médicaux H/F

    Le Pôle Qualité Affaires Réglementaire Eco-Innovation du Département des Technologies pour l’Innovation en Santé (DTIS) du CEA-LETI, recherche, pour son site de Grenoble, un Ingénieur Affaires Réglementaires Dispositifs Médicaux. La personne recrutée s’impliquera notamment dans les projets de Dispositifs Médicaux Implantables Actifs (DMIA) utilisés dans les essais cliniques en cours et à venir à Clinatec...

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  • Fixed term contract Technicien automatismes et informatique industrielle - CDD 18 mois - Grenoble H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? Au sein d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire veillant au fonctionnement en continu des équipements et des installations dans des conditions optimales et en toute sécurité, vous nous aiderez à absorber le surplus d’activité que représente la construction et la mise en route de nouvelles installations.  Vous travaillerez en lien avec nos...

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  • PostDoc Quantum dot auto-tuning assisted by physics-informed neural networks

    Quantum computers hold great promise for advancing science, technology, and society by solving problems beyond classical computersapos; capabilities. One of the most promising quantum bit (qubit) technologies are spin qubits, based on quantum dots (QDs) that leverage the great maturity and scalability of semiconductor technologies. However, scaling up the number of spin qubits requires overcoming...

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  • PostDoc Advanced reconstruction methods for cryo-electron tomography of biological samples

    Cryo-electron tomography (CET) is a powerful technique for the 3D structural analysis of biological samples in their near-native state. CET has seen remarkable advances in instrumentation in the last decade but the classical weighted back-projection (WBP) remains by far the standard CET reconstruction method. Due to radiation damage and the limited tilt range within the...

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  • PostDoc Application of a filtering method for the estimation of effective transmission condition parameters from ultrasonic data

    In a recently completed thesis work, a filtering strategy combining both iterations of a Levemberg-Marquardt descent method with a gradient-free Kalman filtering approach has been developed. First evaluations of the algorithm have been carried out in order to reconstruct the pre-deformation of a plate geometry from guided wave ultrasound data. In this context, the main...

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  • phD High-throughput experimentation applied to battery materials

    High throughput screening, which has been used for many years in the pharmaceutical field, is emerging as an effective method for accelerating materials discovery and as a new tool for elucidating composition-structure-functional property relationships. It is based on the rapid combinatorial synthesis of a large number of samples of different compositions, combined with rapid and...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur maintenance lithographie H/F

    En tant qu'ingénieur maintenance en journée, vous assurerez la maintenance des équipements d'exposition (scanners/steppers) en au sein d'une petite équipe en étroite collaboration avec les ingénieurs et techniciens maintenance postés et le pilote maintenance lithographie. Vous devrez assurer : RESPONSABILITÉS TECHNIQUES - Maintenance - Assurer les opérations de maintenance préventives, prédictives et correctives, notamment en analysant les pannes...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur caractérisation électrique de mémoires non volatiles émergentes H/F

    Le CEA Leti est un laboratoire à la pointe sur les technologies mémoires non-volatiles (NVM) émergentes. Plusieurs technologies de mémoires NVM sont en cours de développement : ReRAM (Resistive RAM), PCRAM (Phase Change RAM) et FeRAM (Ferroelectric RAM). Ces technologies sont développées et fabriquées au sein de nos salles blanches en collaboration avec nos partenaires industriels ou...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur caractérisation électrique et fiabilité microélectronique H/F

    Le développement de technologies de transistors avancées implique des études en caractérisation électrique et fiabilité poussées. En effet dans un contexte de continuelle diminution des dimensions caractéristiques des dispositifs CMOS, il est essentiel comprendre les mécanismes de fonctionnement des transistors et de prédire l'évolution des caractéristiques via des modèles prédictifs. Pour ce faire le Laboratoire de...

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  • phD Topologic optimization of µLEDapos;s optical performance

    The performance of micro-LEDs (µLEDs) is crucial for micro-displays, a field of expertise at the LITE laboratory within CEA-LETI. However, simulating these components is complex and computationally expensive due to the incoherent nature of light sources and the involved geometries. This limits the ability to effectively explore multi-parameter design spaces. This thesis proposes to develop...

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  • phD Efficient Multimodal Vision Transformers for Embedded System

    The proposed thesis focuses on the optimization of multimodal vision transformers (ViT) for panoptic object segmentation, exploring two main directions. The first is to develop a versatile fusion pipeline to integrate multimodal data (RGB, IR, depth, events, point clouds) by leveraging inter-modal alignment relationships. The second is to investigate an approach combining pruning and mixed-precision...

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  • phD Cryptographic security of RISC-V processor enclaves with CHERI

    CHERI (Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions) is a solution for securing the processor against spatial and temporal memory leaks by transforming any pointer into a capability that clearly defines the access limits to the data or instructions addressed. In this thesis, we propose to enrich CHERI and its control-flow integrity capabilities on a RISC-V application...

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  • phD Development of multiplexed photon sources for quantum technologies

    Quantum information technologies offers several promises in domains such as computation or secured communications. There is a wide variety of technologies available, including photonic qubits. The latter are robust against decoherence and are particularly interesting for quantum communications applications, even at room temperature. They also offers an alternative to other qubits technologies for quantum computing....

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  • phD New machine learning methods applied to side-channel attacks

    Products secured by embedded cryptographic mechanisms may be vulnerable to side-channel attacks. Such attacks are based on the observation of some physique quantities measured during the device activity, whose variation may provoke information leakage and lead to a security flaw. Today, such attacks are improved, even in presence of specific countermeasures, by deep learning based...

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  • PostDoc Development of optoelectronic systems for quantum sensor technologies

    The main mission of CEA LETIapos;s Autonomy and Sensor Integration Laboratory (LAIC) is to develop sensor systems, and in particular quantum sensors for high-precision magnetic field measurement applications. The teamapos;s activities are at the interface of hardware (electronics, optronics, semiconductors), software (artificial intelligence, signal processing) and systems (electronic architecture, mechatronics, multiphysics modeling). The Swarm project...

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  • Internship STAGE Géomatique H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? Vous aurez pour mission la participation au développement de modules appartenant à un projet plus large de développement de Jumeaux Numériques. Vous disposerez d’interfaces innovantes (tactiles, grande dimensions) permettant une lecture facilitée des résultats de simulation. Dans ce cadre vous interagirez avec l’ensemble de l’équipe (product owner, lead dev,...

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  • Internship STAGE Ingénieur(e) Génie Logiciel Modélisation et Back H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? Vous aurez pour mission la participation au développement de sous-modules appartenant à un projet plus large de développement de Jumeaux Numériques. Vous disposerez d’interfaces innovantes (tactiles, grande dimensions) permettant une lecture facilitée des résultats de simulation. Dans ce cadre vous interagirez avec l’ensemble de l’équipe (product owner, lead dev,...

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  • phD Acoustics and Electromagnetism (AEM): New approaches for the secure characterization of components such as the SoCs

    Work carried out within CEA-Leti has shown that physical attacks can be a threat to the security mechanisms of SoCs (System on Chips). Indeed, fault injections by electromagnetic disturbance have already led to an escalation of privileges by authenticating with an illegitimate password, or more recently have made it possible to bypass one of the...

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  • Internship Improving the Effectiveness of LLM-Assisted ISS Generation from Design Specification H/F

    The internship aims to enhance the performance of large language models (LLMs) in generating Instruction Set Simulator (ISS) code by using Reinforcement Learning (RL) to optimize and automate prompt tuning. Additionally, the internship seeks to expand dataset coverage by using simulators such as QEMU (Quick Emulator) in-the-loop to simulate and evaluate a wider range of...

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  • phD Exploration of unsupervised approaches for modeling the environment from RADAR data

    Radar technologies have gained significant interest in recent years, particularly with the emergence of MIMO radars and quot;Imaging Radars 4Dquot;. This new generation of radar offers both opportunities and challenges for the development of perception algorithms. Traditional algorithms such as FFT, CFAR, and DOA are effective for detecting moving targets, but the generated point clouds...

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  • PostDoc Microfluidic biocatalysis

    The overall objective of the project is to propose a new mode of biocatalytic production based on continuous flow and combining macro and micro-fluidics. The aim is to develop a biocatalysis process involving fluidic bioreactors capable of ensuring continuous biotransformation, thanks to immobilized enzymes or whole cell catalysts. This process will be optimized to improve...

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  • phD CCA-secure constructions for FHE

    Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a corpus of cryptographic techniques that allow to compute directly over encrypted data. Since its inception around 15 years ago, FHE has been the subject of a lot of research towards more efficiency and better practicality. From a security perspective, however, FHE still raises a number of questions and challenges....

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  • phD Wideband Hybrid Transmitter for Future Wireless Systems

    This research is part of an effort to reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint of future wireless systems by investigating innovative transmitter (TX) architectures with improved energy efficiency. Objective of the thesis is to elaborate a novel TX architecture for beyond 5G and 6G standards. Efficiency enhancement design techniques such as supply modulation or...

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  • phD HW/SW Contracts for Security Analysis Against Fault Injection Attacks on Open-source Processors

    This thesis focuses on the cybersecurity of embedded systems, particularly the vulnerability of processors and programs to fault injection attacks. These attacks disrupt the normal functioning of systems, allowing attackers to exploit weaknesses to access sensitive information. Although formal methods have been developed to analyze the robustness of systems, they often limit their analyses to...

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  • phD Water at the hydrophilic direct bonding interface

    The microelectronics industry is making increasing use of hydrophilic direct bonding technology to produce innovative substrates and components. CEA LETIapos;s teams have been leaders in this field for over 20 years, offering scientific and technological studies on the subject. The key role of water at the bonding interface can be newly understood thanks to a...

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  • phD Multipath-based Cooperative Simultaneous Localization amp; Mapping through Machine Learning

    The goal of this PhD is to explore the potential of machine learning (ML) tools for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) applications, while leveraging multipath radio signals between cooperative wireless devices. The idea is to identify characteristic features of the propagation channels observed over multiple radio links, so as to jointly determine the relative positions...

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  • phD Towards a multimodal photon irradiation platform: foundations and conceptualization

    Photonic irradiation techniques exploit the interactions between a beam of high-energy photons and matter to carry out non-destructive measurements. By inducing photonuclear reactions such as photonic activation, nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) and photofission, these irradiation techniques enable deep probing of matter. Combining these different nuclear measurement techniques within a single irradiation platform would enable precise,...

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  • phD Advanced RF circuit design in a system and technology co-optimization approach

    This thesis addresses the two major challenges facing Europe today in terms of integrating the communication systems of the future. The aim is to design RF integrated circuits using 22nm FDSOI technology in the frequency bands dedicated to 6G, which will not only increase data rates but also reduce the carbon footprint of telecoms networks....

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  • phD EM Signature Modeling in Multi-path Scenario for Object Recognition and Semantic Radio SLAM

    Context: The vision for future communication networks includes providing highly accurate positioning and localization in both indoor and outdoor environments, alongside communication services (JCAS). With the widespread adoption of radar technologies, the concept of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) has recently been adapted for radiofrequency applications. Initial proof-of-concept demonstrations have been conducted in indoor environments,...

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  • phD Distributed Passive Radar

    Our objective is to detect and locate drones entering an urban area to be protected by observing the signals emitted by cellular stations. Studies have shown that it is possible to locate a drone if it is close to the listening system and the cellular station (i.e. the base station). When the situation is more...

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  • Internship Développement d'analyse numérique pour des biocapteurs fibrés H/F

    Dans le cadre du stage, il s’agira de participer à la formation d’un laboratoire sur fibre ultracompact et dédié à la détection d’agents de la menace biologique. Dans un premier temps, le candidat réalisera des analyses spectrales comparatives de différents transducteurs à fibre optique. Il devra faire preuve d’une grande rigueur scientifique pour établir les...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur de recherche en génie logiciel pour les modèles émergents en IA H/F

    Rejoignez le CEA pour donner du sens à votre activité, mener ou soutenir des projets de R&D nationaux et internationaux, cultiver et faire vivre votre esprit de curiosité. EN SYNTHESE, QU’EST-CE QUE NOUS VOUS PROPOSONS ? Nous cherchons un(e) ingénieur(e) de recherche en génie logiciel pour les modèles émergents en IA pour le CEA/DRT/List (Direction...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur en simulation TCAD de dispositifs pour le calcul quantique H/F

    Le Laboratoire de Simulation et de Modélisation est fortement impliqué dans les développements de nouvelles technologies pour le calcul quantique. Ce laboratoire est en interaction avec les équipes d’intégration technologiques, de caractérisation et de conception de circuits intégrés. Dans ce contexte, votre mission sera d'étudier, à partir de simulations numériques (TCAD), des architectures prometteuses de...

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  • Internship Etude approfondie des modes à vitesse de groupe nulle dans les rails : mesure locale de ses propriét H/F

    Les ondes élastiques guidées sont un phénomène physique prometteur pour le contrôle de l'état de santé de structures élancées comme les tubes ou les rails, car celles-ci permettent la surveillance sur de longues distances avec un nombre limité de capteurs . Néanmoins, il est souvent nécessaire de connaître a priori les propriétés élastiques des matériaux,...

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  • Internship Exploring pipelining methods for a variable-width high-precision floating point arithmetic unit H/F

    The LSTA laboratory (Advanced Technologies and Systems-on-chip Laboratory) works on the development of innovative chips for various application domains: Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing (HPC) and Quantum computing. Many scientific computing applications are based on the resolution of linear systems by iterative methods. This step consumes the majority of the computation time. Extending the computation...

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  • Fixed term contract Evaluateur en cryptographie et attaques par observation - CDD - Grenoble H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? Pour développer et conduire des attaques par observation sur du matériel électronique. Vos missions seront de : contribuer aux tâches d’évaluation selon la méthodologie des critères communs ou de schémas privés : analyse de l'implémentation d'une fonction de sécurité (génération d'aléas, algorithmes cryptographiques, chiffrement d'une mémoire, etc.) concevoir et réaliser des attaques...

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  • Fixed term contract Evaluateur en attaques semi-invasives H/F

    Le poste proposé dans le cadre du laboratoire CESTI correspond à une évaluatrice / un évaluateur en attaque semi-invasive. Il consiste en la réalisation de tests par perturbation lumineuse ou électromagnétique (injection de fautes). Fort de votre curiosité et de votre imagination pour challenger un composant sécurisé, vous effectuerez des tests de pénétration en utilisant...

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  • Permanent contract Evaluateur en sécurité électronique et conformité par critères communs H/F

    NOUS REJOINDRE, POUR FAIRE QUOI ? Le CESTI du LETI cherche à renforcer son équipe d’évaluateurs en analyse de conformité et tests associés selon la méthodologie des Critères Communs.  Votre mission sera de : mener l’analyse de conformité de produits sécurisés selon la méthodologie des Critères Communs mener les tests indépendants requis pour vérifier les...

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  • Internship Stage - Technologies embarquées et Soutenabilité H/F

    CEA Tech Corporate from CEA Tech on Vimeo. Le stage se déroulera en 4 ou 5 temps : Définition des critères pertinents pour qualifier l’impact global des technologies, sur la base d’un état de l’art à construire, Tour d’horizon des domaines applicatifs d’intérêt, appliqué au périmètre des technologies numériques embarquées, Identification des technologies pertinentes à...

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  • PostDoc Contribution to the metrological traceability of emerging alpha-emitting radiopharmaceuticals in the framework of the european AlphaMet project (Metrology for Emerging Targeted Alpha Therapies)

    The Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) at CEA/Saclay is the laboratory responsible for the french references in the field of ionizing radiation. The LNHB is involved in the european EPM AlphaMet (Metrology for Emerging Targeted Alpha Therapies) submitted under the Metrology support for Health call (2022) to provide metrological support for clinical and preclinical studies;...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur Chercheur en mesures cryogéniques pour le quantique – CDD 36 mois - Grenoble H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour faire quoi ? Dans le cadre de projets de développement de dispositifs pour le calcul quantique nous recherchons un(e) ingénieur en mesures cryogéniques pour rejoindre notre équipe au CEA. Vous travaillerez au travers de projets de recherche et d’équipements de haute technologie à la préparation d’un ordinateur quantique. Description du labo/équipe Venez...

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  • Internship Explorer les solutions de refroidissement de demain pour les systèmes électroniques en 2.5D et 3D H/F

    Rejoignez-nous en Stage !  CEA Tech Corporate from CEA Tech on Vimeo. Au CEA, vous bénéficierez d’une expertise approfondie en intégration 2.5D/3D et en packaging à l'échelle du wafer, ainsi que d’un accès à des laboratoires de pointe capables de valider les développements technologiques. Vous travaillerez dans des équipes multidisciplinaires et participerez à des projets collaboratifs ambitieux....

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur de Recherche - Propagation pour Radiocommunications 6G H/F

    NOUS REJOINDRE, POUR FAIRE QUOI ?   Vous intégrerez une équipe composée d'une trentaine de chercheurs expérimentés travaillant sur la caractérisation, la modélisation et l’émulation du canal radiofréquence couvrant un large spectre (de quelques centaines de MHz à quelques centaines de GHz).    Les travaux menés s’appuieront sur un ensemble d’outils de traitement de signal...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD Ingénieur en simulations multiphysiques - Machines tournantes / Piézoélectricité H/F

    Nous recherchons un ingénieur en simulations multiphysiques pour modéliser et simuler des machines tournantes (avec un focus particulier sur les moteurs à aimants permanents) et des systèmes piézoélectriques. Vous serez responsable de développer des modèles multiphysiques, en utilisant des outils avancés comme Simulink pour la modélisation système et un logiciel de simulation par éléments finis...

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  • Internship Implementation and Evaluation of Innovative Algorithms for Memory Testing in Integrated Circuits H/F

    In this context, LFIM, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotics, and Microelectronics of Montpellier (LIRMM), has explored the testability of memories integrated into NMC systems, leveraging the existing computing capabilities in such architectures. As a result of the collaboration between these institutions, an initial theoretical study was conducted on the integration of...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD - Ingénieur physique des composants semi-conducteurs H/F

    Dans le cadre d’un projet du PEPR-Electronique, nous finalisons la réalisation technologique de nouveaux détecteurs bolométriques à haute sensibilité dans les bandes 450µm et 750µm. Ces détecteurs se basent sur des diodes refroidies à 80K utilisées comme transducteur thermique et comportent une cavité optique avec des méta-surfaces. Pour leur caractérisation, nous recherchons un(e) ingénieur(e) en...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur-chercheur en Electronique pour la Santé H/F

    Le Laboratoire PREMS - Plateforme de Recherche en systèmes de Mesures pour la Santé - vous propose de rejoindre une équipe créative, dynamique et passionnée, pour prendre part à de très beaux défis techniques. Notre laboratoire a pour ambition de définir l’architecture système et d’assurer le développement, la conception et la caractérisation de systèmes de mesures pour...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur Concepteur FPGA – Capteurs pour le contrôle qualité de biomédicaments - CDD 18 mois H/F

    La filière des industries de santé et les patients vivent depuis une vingtaine d’années une véritable révolution avec l'arrivée de biomédicaments dont les principes actifs sont produits à partir du vivant et issus des recherches les plus fondamentales en biotechnologies. Ces biomédicaments apportent des solutions nouvelles et de nouveaux espoirs de traitements dans de multiples...

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  • Internship Stage - Caractérisation de composants optoélectroniques à base d'alliage GeSn H/F

    Le CEA Grenoble fait partie des rares laboratoires à avoir démontrer des lasers semi-conducteurs du groupe-IV en GeSn en pompage électrique, à basse température émettant dans l'infrarouge moyen. Avec des hétérostructures en GeSn et des puits quantiques en alliages silicium-germanium-étain (Si) GeSn (relaxé ou non relaxé), nous ciblons aujourd'hui d’aller vers le laser continu et...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD - Technicien caractérisation - caractérisations électro-optiques des détecteurs InfraRouge H/F

    Le laboratoire LIR recherche un technicien en caractérisations électro-optiques refroidies pour renforcer son équipe d’une vingtaine de personnes. Vous participerez à la caractérisation électro-optique (EO) des différentes filières de détecteurs IR en cours de développement. Vous serez en charge des mesures de performances des composants IR sur plusieurs bancs de caractérisation EO. En ce sens,...

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  • Fixed term contract Technicien chimie des matériaux - CDD 36 mois - Grenoble H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? En lien étroit avec les techniciens et ingénieurs-chercheurs de l’équipe, et en particulier avec le pilote de la thématique CMP, vous travaillerez en salle blanche en horaires postés (une semaine le matin de 5h à 13h15, une semaine l’après-midi de 13h à 21h15) sur les développements technologiques des procédés...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur filière device integration H/F

    Au sein du LETI, nous sommes un laboratoire d’une quinzaine de personnes à l’état de l’art mondial sur le quantique sur silicium. Nous préparons l’avenir de l’informatique et des technologies SOI, l’un de nos projets phare étant la R&D pour la start-up QUOBLY, créée par le CNRS et le CEA, dont le but est de...

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  • Fixed term contract Responsable de partenariats industriels H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? Rattaché-e au Chef de département Sud et dans le but de de développer nos activités de R&D dans le domaine des micro algues, nous recherchons un-e Responsable de Partenariats Industriels en CDD. Votre rôle sera de développer de nouveaux partenariats entre le CEA et des industriels. Vous serez en...

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  • Fixed term contract Chef de projet Hub Quantique H/F

    Le CEA a lancé un groupement d’industriels composé à la fois d’utilisateurs finaux du Quantique et de fournisseurs de solutions. Le groupement permet de suivre l’évolution de l’état de l’art du Calcul Quantique, de se former aux différentes technologies et ainsi définir et tester des cas d’usage à expérimenter avec nos partenaires fournisseur de Technologies....

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  • Permanent contract Ingénieur(e) système d'instrumentation innovant H/F

    « Rejoignez le CEA pour donner du sens à votre activité, mener ou soutenir des projets de R&D nationaux et internationaux, cultiver et faire vivre votre esprit de curiosité. » EN SYNTHESE, QU’EST-CE QUE NOUS VOUS PROPOSONS ? Nous cherchons un(e) ingénieur(e) en système d'instrumentation innovant pour le CEA/DRT/List (Direction de la Recherche Technologique). Ce...

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  • PostDoc Design of in-memory high-dimensional-computing system

    Conventional von Neumann architecture faces many challenges in dealing with data-intensive artificial intelligence tasks efficiently due to huge amounts of data movement between physically separated data computing and storage units. Novel computing-in-memory (CIM) architecture implements data processing and storage in the same place, and thus can be much more energy-efficient than state-of-the-art von Neumann architecture....

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  • phD Foundations of Semantic Reasoning for Enhanced AI Cooperation in 6G Multi-Agent Communications

    6G will integrate 5G and AI to merge physical, cyber and sapience spaces, transforming network interactions, revolutioning AI-driven decision-making and automation and radically changing the overall system’s perception of the foundational concepts of information and reliability. This requires the native-by-design integration of AI and communication system. Current 5G technologies cannot support such change. 5G limits...

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  • Permanent contract Chef du service Sécurité des Systèmes Electroniques et des Composants (SSSEC) H/F H/F

    Dans le cadre de ses missions, le/la chef(fe) de Service Sécurité des Systèmes Electroniques et des Composants (SSSEC) : Elabore et partage aux équipes la stratégie du service en participant activement à sa définition et en déclinant les objectifs globaux du CEA sur son périmètre, Gère les 4 laboratoires du service en déclinant la stratégie...

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  • PostDoc Application of formal methods for interferences management

    Within a multidisciplinary technological research team of experts in SW/HW co-design tools by applying formal methods, you will be involved in a national research project aiming at developing an environment to identify, analyze and reduce the interferences generated by the concurrent execution of applications on a heterogeneous commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) multi-core hardware platform.

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  • phD In-Sensor Computing for MEMS Sensors: Toward an Electromechanical Neural Network

    The rise of machine learning models for processing sensor data has led to the development of Edge-AI, which aims to perform these data processing tasks locally, directly at the sensor level. This approach reduces the amount of data transmitted and eases the load on centralized computing centers, providing a solution to decrease the overall energy...

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  • Permanent contract Ingénieur chercheur en Propagation hyperfréquence H/F

    Dans le cadre des activités R&D du laboratoire antennes, propagation et couplage inductif (LAPCI) du CEA-LETI, le ou la candidat.e sera en charge de l’étude du canal de propagation pour des applications de télécommunications et de capteurs électromagnétiques innovants de type radar. Ces recherches contribueront au développement de nouvelles technologies de communication et de détection...

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  • phD Study of the stability of Si-CMOS Structures for the implementation of Spin Qubits

    Silicon-based spin qubits in CMOS structures stand out for their compatibility with semiconductor technologies and their scalability potential. However, impurities and defects introduced during fabrication lead to noise and instability, which affect their performance. The objective is to characterize devices fabricated at CEA-Leti, from room temperature to cryogenic temperatures, to evaluate their quality and understand...

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  • Fixed term contract Chef de projet institutionnel H/F

    L’expertise pluridisciplinaire nécessaire au développement de l’informatique quantique va bien au-delà des capacités d’un seul et unique organisme, même pour un organisme accueillant autant de diversité que le CEA. En effet, un éventail particulièrement large de disciplines entre en jeu, des mathématiques à la physique en passant par l’informatique, la cryogénie, la science des matériaux...

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  • phD Design and fabrication of neuromorphic circuit based on lithium-iontronics devices

    Neural Networks (NNs) are inspired by the brain’s computational and communication processes to efficiently address tasks such as data analytics, real time adaptive signal processing, and biological system modelling. However, hardware limitations are currently the primary obstacle to widespread adoption. To address this, a new type of circuit architecture called quot;neuromorphic circuitquot; is emerging. These...

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  • Permanent contract Technicien automatismes et informatique industrielle - Grenoble H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? Au sein d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire veillant au fonctionnement en continu des équipements et des installations dans des conditions optimales et en toute sécurité, vous nous aiderez à absorber le surplus d’activité que représente la construction et la mise en route de nouvelles installations.  Vous travaillerez en lien avec nos...

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  • PostDoc Next generation PV module packaging design and mechanical testing

    Photovoltaic modules are required to last 25- 30 years in harsh outdoor environment. The packaging of PV modules plays an essential role in reaching this target. PV cells are protected by a glass frontsheet, and highly engineered polymeric encapsulants and backsheets. Encapsulants provide moisture, oxygen &UV barrier, electrical isolation and mechanical protection of highly fragile...

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  • phD Enhanced Quantum-Radiofrequency Sensor

    Through the Carnot SpectroRF exploratory project, CEA Leti is involved in radio-frequency sensor systems based on atomic optical spectroscopy. The idea behind the development is that these systems offer exceptional detection performance. These include high sensitivity´ (, very wide bandwidths (MHz- THz), wavelength-independent size (~cm) and no coupling with the environment. These advantages surpass the...

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  • phD Secure and Agile Hardware/Software Implementation of new Post-Quantum Cryptography Digital Signature Algorithms

    Cryptography plays a fundamental role in securing modern communication systems by ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. Public-key cryptography, in particular, has become indispensable for secure data exchange and authentication processes. However, the advent of quantum computing poses an existential threat to many of the traditional public-key cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA, DSA, and ECC, which...

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  • PostDoc X-ray tomography reconstruction based on analytical methods and Deep-Learning

    CEA-LIST develops the CIVA software platform, a reference for the simulation of non-destructive testing processes. In particular, it proposes tools for X-ray and tomographic inspection, which allow, for a given tomographic testing, to simulate all the radiographic projections (or sinogram) taking into account various associated physical phenomena, as well as the corresponding tomographic reconstruction. The...

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  • phD New rapid diagnostic tool for sepsis: microfluidic biochip for multi-target detection by isothermal amplification

    Sepsis is among the main cause of death across the world, and is caused by severe bacterial infection but can also originate from viruses, fungi or even parasites. In order to drastically increase survival rates, a rapid diagnostic and appropriate treatment is of paramount importance. The commercially available tools for nucleic acid detection by qPCR...

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  • phD Study of 3D pattern etch mechanisms into inorganic layers for optoelectronic applications

    Optoelectronic devices such as CMOS Image Sensors (CIS) require the realization of 3D structures, convex microlenses, in order to focus photons towards the photodiodes defining the pixels. These optical elements are mandatory for the device efficiency. Their shape and dimension are critical for device performances. In the same way, devices based on diffractive optic and...

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  • phD On-line monitoring of bioproduction processes using 3D holographic imaging

    The culture of adherent cells on microcarriers (MCs) is a promising approach for various bioproduction applications, such as drug manufacturing and delivery, regenerative medicine, and tracking of cellular differentiation. However, the analysis of single cell morphology and behavior without affecting the substrate integrity remains a major challenge. Lens-free holographic imaging is emerging as a promising...

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  • phD RF Circuit Designfor Zero Energy Communication

    Our ambition for 6G communication is to drastically reduce the Energy in IoT. For that purpose we aim at developing an integrated circuit enabling zero Energy communication. The objective of this PhD is to design this circuit in FD-SOI and operating in the 2.4 GHz. In this PhD, we propose to use a new design...

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  • PostDoc Development of innovative metal contacts for 2D-material field-effect-transistors

    Further scaling of Si-based devices below 10nm gate length is becoming challenging due to the control of thin channel thickness. For gate length smaller than 10nm, sub-5nm thick Si channel is required. However, the process-induced Si consumption and the reduction of carrier mobility in ultrathin Si layer can limit the channel thickness scaling. Today, the...

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  • phD Securing Against Side-Channel Attacks by Combining Lightweight Software Countermeasures

    Side-channel attacks, such as analyzing a processorapos;s electrical consumption or electromagnetic emissions, allow for the recovery of sensitive information, including cryptographic keys. These attacks are particularly effective and pose a serious threat to the security of embedded systems. This thesis focuses on combining low-impact software countermeasures to strengthen security against side-channel attacks, an idea that...

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  • phD Defense of scene analysis models against adversarial attacks

    In many applications, scene analysis modules such as object detection and recognition, or pose recognition, are required. Deep neural networks are nowadays among the most efficient models to perform a large number of vision tasks, sometimes simultaneously in case of multitask learning. However, it has been shown that they are vulnerable to adversarial attacks: Indeed,...

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  • PostDoc Calibration of the high dose rate flash therapy beam monitor of the IRAMIS facility

    Ultra-flash beams are pulsed beams of high-energy electrons (over a hundred MeV) with pulse durations in the femto-second range. The IRAMIS facility (CEA Saclay) uses laser acceleration to produce this type of beam, with a view to their application in radiotherapy. The LNHB is in charge of establishing dosimetric traceability for the IRAMIS facility, and...

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  • phD Development of a multiphysics stochastic modelling for liquid scintillation measurements

    The Bureau international des poids et mesures (BIPM) is developing a new transfer instrument named the quot;Extension of the International Reference Systemquot; (ESIR), based on the Triple-to-Double Coincidence Ratio (TDCR) method of liquid scintillation counting with a specific instrumentation comprising three photomultipliers. The aim is to enable international comparisons of pure beta radionuclides, certain radionuclides...

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  • phD Digital reconstruction of an industrial tank for the improvement of real-time monitoring instrumentation

    In the context of industrial digitalization and real-time monitoring, accessing 3D fields (velocity, viscosity, turbulence, concentration, etc.) in real time can be crucial, as local sensor networks are sometimes insufficient to provide a comprehensive view of the systemapos;s dynamics. This PhD project aims to investigate a methodology for the real-time reconstruction of fields within an...

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  • phD Characterization of motor recovery in stroke patients during a BCI-guided rehabilitation

    This thesis will explore the use of implanted brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) for motor rehabilitation in stroke patients. The project leverages Clinatecapos;s WIMAGINE technology, which measures brain activity through electrocorticography (ECoG) to accurately decode patientsapos; motor intentions. Integrating this technology into a rehabilitation protocol is expected to enhance residual motor abilities through neural plasticity. In this...

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  • Permanent contract Responsable Grands Comptes Energies H/F

    Au sein de à la Direction des Partenariats pour le Numérique et les Energies (15 personnes) vous travaillez à la construction et au développement des partenariats stratégiques du CEA dont vous avez la charge (secteur énergies), en lien avec les instituts de la Direction de la Recherche Technologique (DRT). Dans ce cadre, et pour la...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur filière en technologies d'intégration 3D microélectronique

    Au sein du CEA-Leti, le Laboratoire des Technologies d’Intégration 3D (LTI3D) rassemble l’ensemble des technologies permettant de réaliser des systèmes électroniques ou électro-optiques avancés par les technologies d'intégration hétérogène de circuits et composants, pouvant provenir de technologies différentes. Cette approche permet de réaliser des systèmes très performants qui combinent des nœuds avancés (dits "More Moore")...

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  • Permanent contract Responsable Ligne Programme ECO-INNOVATION H/F

    Dans le cadre de vos missions, vous consolider des partenariats en répondant aux enjeux d’éco-innovation auprès de comptes stratégiques ciblés sur l'ensemble des domaines d'activités du Département Systèmes et en lien avec les roadmaps de l’institut Leti. L’objectif est de mieux accompagner nos partenaires vers des produits et/ou services répondant aux enjeux sociétaux et notamment au développement...

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  • PostDoc Optimization of Li metal/electrolyte for the next generation of all-solid-state battery

    CEA Tech Nouvelle-Aquitaine, created in 2013, set up a new laboratory, since more than two years, focused on both the development of materials and the high throughput screening to accelerate the discovery of materials for the next generations of Li-ion batteries. For that, the CEA Tech Nouvelle-Aquitaine acquires different vacuum deposition equipment (sputtering, evaporation, atomic...

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  • phD Learning world models for advanced autonomous agent

    World models are internal representations of the external environment that an agent can use to interact with the real world. They are essential for understanding the physics that govern real-world dynamics, making predictions, and planning long-horizon actions. World models can be used to simulate real-world interactions and enhance the interpretability and explainability of an agentapos;s...

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  • phD Sub-THz programmable electromagnetic surfaces based on phase change material switches

    Spatiotemporal manipulation of the near- and far-electromagnetic (EM)-field distribution and its interaction with matter in the THz spectrum (0.1-0.6 THz) is of prime importance in the development of future communication, spectroscopy, imaging, holography, and sensing systems. Reconfigurable Intelligent (Meta)Surface (RIS) is a cutting-edge hybrid analogue/digital architecture capable of shaping and controlling the THz waves at...

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  • phD Design and optimization of color routers for image sensors

    Color routers represent a promising technology that could revolutionize the field of image sensors. Composed of nanometricstructures called metasurfaces, these devices allow the modification of light propagation to improve the quantum efficiency of pixels. Thanks to recent technical advances, it is now possible to design and manufacture these structures, paving the way for more efficient...

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  • phD Increasing the electrothermal robustness of new SiC devices

    Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a semiconductor with superior intrinsic properties than Silicon for high temperature and high power electronics applications. SiC devices are expected to be extensively used in the electrification transition and novel energy management applications. To fully exploit the SiC superior properties, the future semiconductor devices will be used under extreme biasing and...

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  • phD Automatization of quantum computing kernel writing for quantum applications

    The framework of Hamiltonian simulation opens up a new range of computational approaches for quantum computing. These approaches can be developed across all relevant fields of quantum computing applications, including, among others, partial differential equations (electromagnetism, fluid mechanics, etc.), quantum machine learning, finance, and various methods for solving optimization problems (both heuristic and exact). The...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur filière en technologies microélectroniques et packaging avancé H/F

    Au sein du CEA-Leti, le Laboratoire des Technologies d’Intégration 3D (LTI3D) rassemble l’ensemble des technologies permettant de réaliser des systèmes électroniques ou électro-optiques avancés par les technologies d'intégration hétérogène de circuits et composants, pouvant provenir de technologies différentes. Cette approche permet de réaliser des systèmes très performants qui combinent des nœuds avancés (dits "More Moore")...

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  • Internship Robustesse électrothermique des nouveaux composants grand gap pour l'électrification des transports

    Description du poste : Ce sujet s’inscrit dans les activités de recherche du CEA-Leti sur les composants de puissance utilisant des matériaux à large bande interdite, comme le SiC (carbure de silicium) et le GaN (nitrure de gallium). Le SiC, en particulier, se distingue du silicium par une tension de claquage dix fois plus élevée...

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  • PostDoc Development and application of TERS/TEPL technique for advanced characterization of materials

    TERS/TEPL (Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Tip-Enhanced Photoluminescence) are powerful analytical techniques developed for nanoscale material characterization. The recent acquisition of a unique and versatile TERS/TEPL equipment at PFNC (Nano-characterization Platform) of CEA LETI opens up new horizons for materials characterization. This tool combines Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and scanning probe microscopy. It features multi-wavelength capabilities (from...

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  • Fixed term contract Technicien de maintenance des installations HVAC - CDD 18 mois - Grenoble H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? En lien avec nos chargés d’affaires, les ingénieurs sécurité, les utilisateurs de la salle blanche et les prestataires en charge de son exploitation et de la fourniture des fluides, vous veillerez au fonctionnement optimal et continu de nos installations dans les conditions de sécurité requises. Présent sur le terrain...

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  • PostDoc Development of piezoelectric resonators for power conversion

    CEA-Leti has been working to improve energy conversion technologies for over 10 years. Our research focuses on designing more efficient and compact converters by leveraging GaN-based transistors, thereby setting new standards in terms of ultra-fast switching and energy loss reduction. In the pursuit of continuous innovation, we are exploring innovative paths, including the integration of...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur exploitation et travaux neufs HVAC - CDD 18 mois - Grenoble H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? Au sein d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire veillant au fonctionnement en continu des équipements et des installations dans des conditions optimales et en toute sécurité, vous nous aiderez à absorber le surplus d’activité que représente la construction et la mise en route de nouvelles installations. Vous travaillerez en lien avec nos...

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  • Fixed term contract Software Engineer for AI-enabled Systems - CDD - Paris-Saclay W/M

    Join CEA to Add Meaning to Your Work, Lead and Support National and International R&D Projects, Nurture and Ignite Your Curiosity.     IN SUMMARY, WHAT DO WE OFFER YOU? The CEA is looking for a Software Engineer for AI-enabled Systems for the CEA/DRT (Technological Research Department). This 36-monthfixed-term executive position is based on the...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur Chercheur Photomasque pour la Lithographie Avancée H/F

    Nous vous invitons à participer au défi que nous avons lancé : miniaturiser encore et encore pour augmenter les performances de nos semi-conducteurs tout en réduisant leur consommation d’énergie. Cela implique pour nous d’innover dans le dessin et la fabrication des masques de lithographie (photomasques). De nouvelles technologie de fabrication des photomasques entrent sur le...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD - Ingénieur simulation et design de dispositifs de puissance SiC H/F

    Notre unité a pour ambition de faire du Leti le premier institut de recherche technologique développant des architectures de puissance en SiC sur une ligne 200mm. Dans cette optique, le laboratoire souhaite renforcer son équipe SiC avec un nouvel ingénieur simulation. Au sein du laboratoire LAPS d'une vingtaine d’ingénieurs-chercheurs pluridisciplinaires et en lien avec les...

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  • Internship Stage - Caractérisation électrique des mémoires à changement de phase pour applications cryogéniques H/F

    Rejoignez-nous en Stage !  CEA Tech Corporate from CEA Tech on Vimeo. En tant que stagiaire au CEA, vous aurez l'opportunité de travailler au sein d'un environnement de recherche de renommée mondiale. Nos équipes sont composées d'experts passionnés et dédiés, offrant un cadre propice à l'apprentissage et à la collaboration. Vous aurez accès à des équipements de...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD - Technicien filières filtres RF H/F

    Vos principales missions pour ce poste consistent à assurer le suivi de filières de réalisation des composants « filtres RF ». A ce titre, il conviendra : -d’assurer en salle blanche certaines étapes de caractérisations (microscopies optique et électronique à balayage, mesures d’épaisseur, profilométrie, etc.) et de réalisation ou de suivi de procédés (gravure, photolithographie,...

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  • Permanent contract Responsable de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (RSSI) H/F

    Vous êtes rattaché(e) à la ligne opérationnelle du CEA LETI/DSYS et au réseau des RSSI piloté par l’OSSI du centre. Voici les missions détaillées de ce poste : Politique de sécurité Le RSSI est le garant du respect de son application sur son périmètre. Il assure la bonne prise en compte des exigences du CEA...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD - Ingénieur « device » sur la filière composants de puissance SiC H/F

    Dans cette optique de faire du Leti le premier institut de recherche technologique développant des architectures de puissance en SiC sur une ligne 200mm, le laboratoire LAPS souhaite renforcer son équipe SiC avec un nouvel ingénieur "device". Au sein du laboratoire LAPS et en lien avec les salles blanches, et les laboratoires de test et...

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  • Internship Stage-M2 Développement de modèles de lithographie 3D pour des applications opto-electroniqueH/F

    La Direction de la Recherche Technologique, qui sommes-nous ? Plus de 4.000 personnes investies dans les enjeux sociétaux ! Avec sa Direction de la Recherche Technologique (DRT), le CEA agit comme un accélérateur d'innovation au service de l'industrie pour tous les secteurs d'activités, répondant ainsi aux enjeux liés à notre santé, notre sécurité, nos technologies...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur Process CMP – Localisé à ST Crolles - CDD H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour faire quoi ? Au sein de l’atelier CMP R&D de ST Crolles, et en collaboration avec l’équipe SSURF du LETI, vous serez chargé(e) de faire progresser et de mettre en œuvre à l'échelle industrielle les innovations en recherche et développement pour le procédé de polissage mécano-chimique (CMP) dans le domaine des interconnexions en...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD - Ingénieur filière microélectronique H/F

    Dans le cadre de vos missions, vous contribuez à projet industriel ambitieux en lien avec un grand groupe international qui vise à mettre au point un nouveau type de capacités intégrées en 3D sur silicium 200mm et cible en particulier le marché des dispositifs électroniques nomades, médicaux et pour l’automobile. Intégré(e) au sein d'une équipe...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur Maintenance d'équipements de Microélectronique H/F

    Sous la direction du chef de laboratoire, vous êtes en charge de l’installation, la mise en fonctionnement, le maintien, l’amélioration, d'équipements de microélectronique sur la thématique Chemical Mechanical Planarisation (CMP) et des équipements de nettoyage associés. Vous êtes garant du respect des procédures de maintenance, qualité, sécurité et environnement. Vous suivez et réalisez le maintien...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur Maintenance d'équipements de Microélectronique H/F

    Dans le cadre d'un projet européen, vous jouerez un rôle clé en tant qu’ingénieur maintenance responsable de l'installation, de la mise en service, de la maintenance et de la pérennisation des nouveaux équipements de dépôt pour la ligne 300 mm. Vos missions principales incluront : · Préparation, configuration, installation et mise en service des équipements...

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  • phD Design and integration of microlasers within a silicon photonics platform

    For about ten years, the continuous increase in internet traffic has pushed the electrical interconnections of data centers to their limits in terms of bandwidth, density, and consumption. By replacing these electrical links with optical fibers and integrating all the necessary optical functions on a chip to create transmitters-receivers (transceivers), silicon photonics represents a unique...

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  • Fixed term contract CDD - Ingénieur test de circuits mémoire H/F

    Au sein du CEA-Leti, le Laboratoire des Dispositifs pour les Mémoires et le Calcul explore et développe des mémoires non-volatiles innovantes (NVM de type mémoires résistives) et des solutions de calcul en rupture (neuromorphique, calcul dans la mémoire…). Notre laboratoire rassemble des compétences en dispositifs et technologie nano-électronique et conception de circuit pour le calcul...

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  • Fixed term contract Hardware/software cybersecurity of embedded systems H/F

    Context: Fault injection allows an attacker to move the target processor out of its expected functioning bounds. A hardware perturbation, by means of a fault injection, aims at inducing logical changes either at the hardware or software levels, such that the target system reaches unexpected states or follows unexpected execution paths. Reaching such unexpected states is...

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  • Fixed term contract Technicien intégration pour les technologies avancées H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour quoi faire ? Le CEA-LETI est un acteur majeur de projets européens de grande envergure tels que le projet FAMES qui consiste à développer des nœuds avancés de la technologie FD-SOI. Dans ce cadre, nous renforçons notre équipe pour faire face à de nouveaux défis en termes de développements technologiques. Vous évoluerez...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur Chercheur Développement OPC Lithographie - CDD 36 mois H/F

    Nous rejoindre, pour faire quoi ? Au sein du LETI, nous sommes une équipe pluridisciplinaire d’une quinzaine de personnes spécialisées dans la préparation des données destinées aux dessins sur les masques optiques pour la lithographie, ainsi que sur la métrologie et les logiciels associés. Notre méthode de travail collaborative et agile nous permet de partager...

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  • Permanent contract Juriste contrat & propriété intellectuelle expérimenté(e) H/F H/F

    Dans le cadre de vos missions, vous intervenez dans toutes les phases de contractualisation des partenariats de recherche pour l'Institut List au sein de la Direction de la Recherche Technologique. Vous assurez également un support juridique aux équipes techniques et financières lors de l'exécution des contrats signés. Plus précisément, vous : - participez à la négociation...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur lithographie H/F

    Dans le cadre de votre mission vous serez chargé(e) du  traitement de lots complexes en R&D de la plateforme. Vous serez amené(e) à développer des procédés de lithographie, en collaboration avec les autres membres de l’équipe et assurer leur suivi. Vous reporterez auprès du responsable du laboratoire. Vigilance et communication avec les collègues de maintenance...

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  • PostDoc Design of Ising Machines based on a network of spintronics oscillators copled through CMOS circuitry

    Our information and communication society is asking for always more computing tasks of increasing complexity. Their energy bargain increases quickly so that it is mandatory to find new architecture of computing processors with improved energy efficiency. The post doc applicant will contribute to the design of Ising machines which are computing architectures inspired from biology...

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  • Internship Un Système d'Effets pour un Langage de Programmation de Smart Contracts de Confiance H/F

    L'objectif de ce stage est de implémenter un système d'effets sur un langage noyau de smart contracts basé sur les PSS que nous avons mis en place au CEA List. Les effets algébriques permettent au programmeur de formaliser le comportement computationnel attendu du programme, qui est encodé dans le type du programme et automatiquement vérifié...

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  • Permanent contract CDI - Technicien mesures physiques CDI Grenoble H/F

    Rejoignez un laboratoire d’excellence en optronique ! Vous êtes passionné(e) par la haute technologie et souhaitez évoluer dans un environnement de recherche d’avant-garde ? Intégrez le Laboratoire d'Imagerie Infrarouge (LIR) du CEA-Leti et participez au développement des futures générations de détecteurs infrarouges aux performances inégalées. Votre mission : explorer l’infiniment précis ! En tant que...

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  • Fixed term contract Ingénieur-chercheur en conception matériel de l'IA embarquée H/F

    « Rejoignez le CEA pour donner du sens à votre activité, mener ou soutenir des projets de R&D nationaux et internationaux, cultiver et faire vivre votre esprit de curiosité. » EN SYNTHESE, QU’EST-CE QUE NOUS VOUS PROPOSONS ? Nous cherchons un(e) Ingénieur(e)-chercheur(se) en conception matériel de l’IA embarquée pour le CEA/DRT/List (Direction de la Recherche...

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  • PostDoc Postdoc in Multi-instrumented operando monitoring of Li-ion battery for ageing

    Nowadays, the development of new battery technology requires increasing the knowledge of degradation mechanisms occur inside the cell and monitor the key parameter in real time during cycling to increase the performances, lifetime and safety of the cells. To achieve these goals development of new sensing technology and integration inside and outside the cell is...

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  • PostDoc Simulation of thermal transport at sub-Kelvin

    Thermal management in quantum computers is an urgent and crucial task. As the number of qubits rapidly scales, more electric circuits are placed close to qubits to operate them. Joule-heating of these circuits could significantly warm the qubit device, degrading its fidelity. With intensive activity in quantum computing at Grenoble, we (CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France) are...

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  • Permanent contract Ingénieur-chercheur en techniques d'IA/ML pour l'optimisation des systèmes de communication 6G H/F

    Alors que le déploiement commercial des réseaux 5G est une réalité, les travaux pour l’étude des réseaux 6G ont largement débuté. Un des consensus sur la définition de cette nouvelle génération de réseaux est que l’intelligence artificielle et le machine learning (IA/ML) pourraient prendre une place très importante dans l’architecture de ces réseaux. Sans exhaustivité,...

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  • phD Scalability of the Network Digital Twin in Complex Communication Networks

    Communication networks are experiencing an exponential growth both in terms of deployment of network infrastructures (particularly observed in the gradual and sustained evolution towards 6G networks), but also in terms of machines, covering a wide range of devices ranging from Cloud servers to lightweight embedded IoT components (e.g. System on Chip: SoC), and including mobile...

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  • phD Laser Fault Injection Applied to Reverse Engineering of Memories

    Memories play a critical role for the security of cyber-physical systems. They manage sensitive data such as cryptographic keys and proprietary codes. With the increasing threat of hardware attacks, understanding and manipulating memory organization has become essential. The thesis aims to explore the application of laser attack techniques, specifically Thermal Laser Stimulation (TLS) and laser...

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